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Comparison of Sketching Activities with Traditional and Digital Tools in Graphic Design
作者 陳慧霞游萬來
近幾年,電腦工具的運用影響與改變了設計行為。雖然,有相當多的研究針對電腦輔助設計(CAD, computer aided design)工具的系統開發與應用進行探討,但在電腦輔助概念設計(CACD, computer aidedconceptual design)上的研究卻顯得相當不足,加上設計人員的草圖行為與視覺思考,的確會因概念構想階段時所使用的工具不同有很大的影響。故就兩大研究議題的整合性來看,確實在相關研究文獻上是目前所不足的地方,尤其是在平面設計領域更加貧乏。所以針對平面設計人員在概念構想階段時使用傳統工具(紙與筆)與電腦工具的草圖行為差異性研究進行詳細的探討與分析。本研究的目標是:(1)提出一個結合量化分析與質性分析的工具與研究方法,來解構與評估平面設計人員使用傳統工具與電腦工具,進行概念構想時的草圖行為的構想過程與構想成果的差異性比較;(2)了解平面設計人員如何藉由不同工具的使用來呈現構想過程與構想成果,並發掘具創造性的構想過程與找出最佳的構想創意;(3)作為電腦輔助概念設計(CACD)系統工具的開發與應用時的參考依據;(4)除此之外,本研究透過實證研究與影音回溯法(video/audio retrospective protocols),加上量化統計的分析,發現解構草圖行為的2個構面與6項指標,包含構想過程(process)與構想成果(output);(5)在質性的研究結果與現象本質上,發現在概念構想階段時使用傳統工具比使用電腦工具有較佳的草圖行為表現,包含草圖數量較多、草圖獨特性較高、思考流暢度較佳、產生較多的問題解決方案、較佳的構想搜尋模式等等。同時,本研究的結論也對在平面設計領域的電腦輔助概念設計(CACD)的開發與運用有很大的助益。最後,藉由本研究所提出的草圖行為特徵指標,提出一種兼具量化、質性、系統、歸納等特性的衡量工具與方法,來輔助記錄和解構平面設計人員在使用不同工具下的草圖行為表現。
In recent years, the application of computer tools has influenced and changed much the design behavior. Although there has been much research on the development and application of computer-aided design (CAD), studies on computer-aided conceptual design (CACD) at the stage of concept generation have been scarce. Moreover, different design tools employed in the conceptual design stage do affect designers' sketching activities and visual thinking. This study explores and analyzes the difference in designers' sketching activities when using traditional (paper & pencil) and digital (computer) tools. We aim to (1) propose a method that combines both quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques to compare the difference in graphic designers' sketching processes and results when using traditional and digital tools; (2) examine how graphic designers display conceptual processes and conceptual outputs using traditional and digital tools, which would shed light on how they discover creative processes and ideas; (3) suggest implications for developing computer aids in graphic design to support the conceptual stage of the design process. Using a video/audio retrospective protocol and a quantitative statistics analysis, this study identifies two dimensions and six characteristics of design sketch activity. Results of this study also show that traditional tool has advantages over digital tool, in terms of greater number of sketches generated, higher originality of sketches, greater fluency of design thinking, more design solutions produced, better approaches to concept generation. Finally, according to the six characteristics of design sketch activity obtained, a technique capable of qualitative, quantitative, systematic and inductive analysis is proposed to assist the recording and structuring of a graphic designer's sketching when using different tools.
起訖頁 113-135
關鍵詞 草圖行為概念設計傳統工具(紙與筆)電腦工具SketchingConceptual designTraditional tool (paper & pencil)Digital tool (computer)
刊名 設計學報  
期數 200612 (11:4期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-上一篇 造形複雜度認知與視覺記憶關係之探討




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