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The Study on Daily Living Behavior Patterns and Activity Place Types for the Elderly in Institution Part one-By Case of One Hospital-Based Nursing Home in Southern Taiwan
作者 曾思瑜 (Szu-Yu Tzeng)王伶芳
高齡者療養設施乃是提供居家生活有困難、身心機能有障礙高齡者繼續進行長期療養生活的地方,但入居高齡者的生活樣態又是如何在療養設施各種空間中展開,是一個值得探索的課題。本研究嘗試以「醫院附設」護理之家為調查案例,參照「時間地理學」的理論,觀察追蹤護理之家入居者一天的生活狀況,分析中度依賴高齡者日常生活行為與時間、日常生活行為與空間的關係,並將日常生活行為模式及活動場所加以類型化,以了解其生活行為的特徵及與活動場所互動之關係。研究目的設定如下:(1)分析中度依賴高齡者日常生活行為內容,將生活行為模式類型化;(2)分析高齡者在各領域空間中日常生活行為活動率與行為時間比,將活動場所加以類型化;(3)整理影響護理之家入居者生活行為模式與活動場所類型的因素;(4)最後,歸納出中度依賴高齡者的生活行為模式及活動場所特質,分析不同類型人群的活動特徵及其對空間、設備的需求,以提供日後進行空間規劃設計時參考。 主要研究結果如下:(1)在機構照護體制及管理規範的約束下,高齡者生活行為模式展開多樣化的生活面貌,其中「必需行為」及「休閒行為」為中度依賴高齡者主要進行之兩大行為;(2)生活行為模式可分為「安靜行為型」、「基本行為型」、「自主休閒型」、「被動休閒型」、「隨意無目的型」等五種類型;(3)受訪者的活動場所可歸納出「床位型」、「寢室型」、「生活單元型」、「樓層型」、「機構型」等五種類型;(4)「個人床位邊」及「公共空間」為受訪者主要之活動場所,受訪者活動領域呈現「私密」與「公共」兩極化分布的現象;(5)少人房入居者在寢室內從事休閒行為的時間高於多人房,多人房入居者之休閒行為有向公共空間外部化的傾向。
The recuperation facilities are the places for the elderly with handicapped and difficultly living at home to continuously occur long term recuperative life. But how the elderly spread their daily living behavior in the spaces of recuperation facilities is an important topic worthy to study. This study tries to choose a hospital-based nursing home as a case study, by the theory of time-geographic, tracking contents of the daily behavior for the middle dependent at nursing home, analyzing the relationship among daily behaviors, time and places, and classify the patterns of daily living behaviors and types of activity place, to realize the characteristics of daily living behavior and the interaction of activity place. Finally, we attain the results as follows: (1)Though under the restrictions of care system and management regulations of the institution, the patterns of daily living behavior are full of variety, and 'necessary behavior' and 'recreation behavior' are two mains for the middle dependent elderly; (2)the patterns of daily living behavior can be classified into 'quiet behavior', 'basic behavior', 'active recreation', 'passive recreation' and 'random without purpose' five types; (3)the activity place can be divided into 'bed-side', 'room-base', 'living unit-base', 'floor-base' and 'facility-base' five types; (4) 'bed-side' and 'public space' are mainly activity places for the elderly, the territory of activity is producing a polarization of tending to locate in 'private' and 'public'; (5) the elderly living in 'little-people room' spend more time of recreation behavior at room space than those in 'many-people room.' The elderly in 'many people room' have the inclination of occur their recreation behaviors towards public space.
起訖頁 115-137
關鍵詞 護理之家高齡者日常生活行為模式活動場所類型時間地理學Nursing homeElderlyPattern of daily living behaviorType of activity placeTime-geographic
刊名 設計學報  
期數 200606 (11:2期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-上一篇 高齡者對電話語音階層數與目標語音出現順序之使用性研究




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