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Research on Unfair Competition of Design-A Study of Trademarks of Stores along the Railroad of the West Coast of Taiwan
作者 馮永華楊裕富
鑑於國內設計領域侵權行為十分嚴重,設計的「原創精神」常遭不肖業者與設計人員仿襲;而現有訴諸司法的設計侵權案例實不足以顯示國內不正競爭的真實狀況(即遠低於實際仿冒案例)。為了解實際狀況,本研究選擇以「商業標示」為主題,以台灣西岸縱貫線沿線商家為範圍,進行實地訪查。因範圍廣大,前後共耗時四年,研究發現44例。這些侵權事證絕大多數尚未為原廠商發現,也多屬於最為嚴重的「完全照抄」情形。綜合本研究文獻探討中各項判例的經驗推論,此次調查蒐錄的仿襲標誌已對原商標所具有的識別性、指標性、認同性、排它性、聯想性等記號本質與商標特性產生嚴重侵犯的行為,這些情況說明了台灣極為嚴重的設計抄襲文化。 本文除呈現和分析這些現象外,也對商標法規進行評析,並提出若干結論與研究建議: 1.蒐錄的仿襲商標大多屬於「異質行業」的完全抄襲,仍將可處三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科新臺幣二十萬元以下罰金。商標權人亦得另請求權利侵害之民事賠償。 2.設計具有極強的藝術性格及敏感度,對於難以判定之案例,法院宜多聽取「設計人員」之意見;亦可由學者以科學方式測定之,以作為判決之重要參考。 3.我國法院在審理商標設計不正競爭案件時,往往恪守判例,缺乏變通。建議應藉著判例之累積,對複雜難決的案例(尤其是「權充」設計),作出彈性的解釋和公正之判決。 4.設立「商標專業法庭」獨立行使職權,使功能充分發揮。並於設計科系加強「智慧財產權」及「著作權法」相關課程,使新生代設計人能有充分的認知。
In Taiwan, infringement on intellectual property rights has been rampant in the field of design. Copies and imitations abound and the cases brought to court are far less in number than the actual instances of violations. To understand further the situation of unfair competition in design, we conducted a field study of trademarks used by stores along the railroad on the west coast of Taiwan. This four-year study discovered 44 cases of imitation or copy of trademarks. In most cases, the original owners of the intellectual property right were totally unaware of such infringement on their design, and the imitations were almost exact replicates of the original. The findings reveal the extensive practice of imitation and the severity of infringement of intellectual property rights. Suggestions for dealing with such problem are as follows. (1) More severe punishment in terms of imprisonment and fine should be levied on violators. (2) In case of ambiguity, opinions of professional designers should be solicited and more scientific approaches should be adopted for examination to facilitate court judgment. (3) Although precedents can offer useful guidelines for judgment to be made, in view of the complexity of such infringement cases, there should be greater flexibility in interpreting the laws and reaching a fair verdict. (4) A special court should be established for trials on trademark infringement cases and education on respect of intellectual property rights should be strengthened particularly in schools and departments of design.
起訖頁 1-21
關鍵詞 商標設計不正競爭智慧財產權仿冒Design of trademarkUnfair competitionIntellectual propertyImitate
刊名 設計學報  
期數 200603 (11:1期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-下一篇 攜帶型行動通訊電腦介面之資訊呈現與色彩配置方式對使用者視覺搜尋績效之影響




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