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A Study of Urban Parking Facility Location
作者 衛萬明廖晉廷
都市規劃中停車場設置區位的選擇,在傳統上皆以停車需求與供給的預測量做為興建停車場的依據,另並以既定規劃好的預留空地,以做為未來停車場用地之預選用地。然而,上述之規劃步驟較少考慮到時間(time)與需求(demand)之各別及相關的變化所造成供給不足的問題。而在國內也罕將動態需求的考慮因素納入區位理論的研究中。因此,本研究希望建立一合理且有效的停車場區位選擇動態模式,以求能及時提供停車場區位設置選擇的決策依據,並解決因動態停車需求量所產生供給不足的問題。本文之研究方法將結合區位理論之先進P-中位數法(progressive P-median)與時間相依(time-dependent)之停車需求多元迴歸模式,以建構出一停車場動態區位選擇模式,並發展出一啟發式(heuristic)解法,利用數學規劃程式AMPL(A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming)以建構出本研究之模式。本研究將具有時間性之動態變數輸入此模式中,以求解出最適當的停車場設置區位位置,並進一步提供予政策決策時的輔助及規劃工具。
A model of dynamic parking facility location choice is proposed in this paper. A dynamic P-median problem of parking facility is considered. One important characteristic of this study is that the parking demand predicted in our model is changing over a given time horizon, i.e., the demand is time dependent. Besides, the parking facilities are built one at a time at given times. Once a new facility is built, some of the drivers (customers) will use its services and some of them will patronize an existing facility. At any given time, drivers patronize the closest parking facility under enough capacity. The problem is to find the best parking facility location for the new facilities. The problem is formulated and the potential algorithm is proposed for this present time. However, a standard mathematical programming code AMPL (A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming) is adopted here to solving our formulated problem.
起訖頁 13-32
關鍵詞 動態區位選擇先進P-中位數區位理論時間相依停車需求模式數學規劃多元迴歸模式Dynamic location choiceProgressive P-medianLocation theoryTime-dependent parking demand modelMathematical programmingMultiple regression model
刊名 設計學報  
期數 200403 (9:1期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-上一篇 我國家電企業因應加入WTO與產品設計相關策略之研究
該期刊-下一篇 網格縮減對逆向工程與快速原型間產品模型設計之研究




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