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秀傳醫學雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Survey on Students at Taoyuan Senior High Night Schools about Sexual Education Needs and Knowledge
作者 羅于惠瞿馥苓鄧鳳苓黃寶玉史麗珠
本研究旨在調查高職夜校生獲知性知識的途徑、對於性教育課程的需求,及夜校生的性知識程度,以幫助夜校生性知識教育的未來規劃及課程設計。本研究於2005年9-10月間,採用信效度良好的問卷進行施測,有效問卷533份,回收率為94.7%。研究結果顯示:1. 性教育課程需求以兩性交往最高。2. 兩性交往和選擇男女朋友、性行為的知識來源,來自朋友同學居多;懷孕、避孕及性傳染疾病的知識來源,來自老師及學校課程居多。3. 尋求性方面協助管道,以朋友同學、父母家人為主。4. 桃園地區夜校生中有性行為的比例高達40.3%。5. 桃園地區夜校生性知識平均答對率為53.7%。6. 性知識量表得分之影響因素:女生得分高於男生。班上排名愈前面的學生其得分愈高。具性經驗者在性知識得分高於無性經驗者。結論:夜校生性知識仍不足,對於男生及成績較差者更應加強。建議應加強兩性交往的課程編排,並提供多方面的協助管道的資訊。
The aim of this study was to survey the needs of sexual education, sexual knowledge and its source on students at senior high night schools in Taoyuan county, so a sexual education program could then be designed. From September-October, 2005, 533 students participated in this study with a response rate of 94.7%. The findings were: 1. How to make and get along with boy or girl friends was the most requested topic of sexual education. 2. Friends or classmates were the major source for students to find out how to make and get along with boy or girl friends. Students mainly learned about pregnancy, contraceptive methods, and sexually transmitted disease from their teachers and schools. 3. For whom to get help for sexual issues, friends, classmates or parents were the major resource. 4. 40.3% of the students had previous sexual experience. 5. The correct proportion of sexual knowledge was 53.7%. 6. The factors associated with the correctness of sexual knowledge were: gender (female students tended to have a higher accuracy rate than male students), academic score (students with a higher academic score tended to have a higher accuracy rate than those with a worse academic score), and sexual experience (students who had previous sexual experience tended to have a higher accuracy rate than those who did not). Students at senior high night schools still lacked sexual knowledge, especially for males and students who were not doing well in academically. Education programs about how to make or get along with friends and where to get help for sexual issues should be enforced.
起訖頁 85-93
關鍵詞 性知識性教育需求夜校生Sexual knowledgeSexual education needSenior high night school students
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 200710 (7:3期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
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