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Risk Factors Affecting the Bone Density of the Female Population in Tainan City
作者 葉宏明林為森洪儷瑋潘倩慧
「骨質疏鬆症」(osteoporosis)是一種普遍且沒有明顯症狀的骨骼代謝疾病。骨質密度目前可經由檢測,來早期診斷與追蹤治療。配合台南市衛生局的骨質密度篩檢活動,本研究的主要目的在瞭解台南市婦女骨質密度與骨質疏鬆症的情形並探討其影響因素。1362 名台南巿社區婦女,平均53.56 歲,教育程度以小學畢業最多(33.9%),職業以家管(54.5%)最多,多數婦女身體質量指數為正常(54.8%)。骨質密度的檢查結果發現,骨質疏鬆症者282 人(20.7%)、低骨質密度者432 人(31.7%),骨質密度正常者648 人(47.6%)。研究結果發現骨質密度(t score)在教育程度、職業、喝茶、喝咖啡與高鈣飲食攝取等變項上有明顯的差異。無受教育者的骨質密度明顯較其他組為低;無職業者亦明顯較服務業、公教人員、經商者低;平日沒喝茶者明顯較偶爾喝者低;每天喝咖啡者明顯較偶爾喝者為低;從不攝取高鈣食物者較偶爾吃者為低。結果亦發現年齡愈大,懷孕與生產次數愈多者,其骨質密度會愈低,且年齡與教育程度為骨質密度的主要之預測因子。針對於年紀較大與無教育程度的婦女應加強骨質疏鬆的衛教,並因應婦女的需求規劃適當的骨質密度篩檢活動以維護婦女們的健康。
Osteoporosis is a common metabolic bone disease that might have no symptoms. Screening and early diagnosis of the disease can improve treatment. The purpose of this study is to investigate different risk factors affecting bone density and osteoporosis of females in Tainan city. The included population was 1362 females, their ages ranged from 15-93 years old; mean age of 54 years old. Most were housewives; 34% had graduated from elementary schools; and 55% female had normal Body Mass Indexes (BMIs). Our results showed that 21% had osteoporosis, 32% had low bone density, and 48% were normal. Education, occupation, tea or coffee drinking, and high calcium diet had significant impact on female bone density. Uneducated and jobless females have lower bone densities as compared to the other groups. Female population not drinking tea, drinking coffee daily, and without consuming high calcium diet had lower bone densities than the other groups. Our results also indicated that females with low bone density were older and had more pregnancies. Age and education were identified as predictors for bone density. We therefore concluded that older females with lower education should be encouraged to join those engaged in health programs in order to prevent osteoporosis.
起訖頁 79-85
關鍵詞 骨質疏鬆骨質密度婦女OsteoporosisBone density
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 200610 (6:3-4期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 高山醫療研究一以玉山國家公園排雲山莊為例
該期刊-下一篇 上泌尿道移形上皮癌:秀傳醫院十年經驗




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