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Effectiveness of Antibiotic Education on Health-Care Workers
作者 馬瑞杉陳美筵劉有增吳麗鴻張麗珍彭麗蓉蔡志宏 (Henry Tsai)黃明和
正確使用抗生素可以有效解決目前日益嚴重的抗藥性問題。行政院衛生署委託彰化秀傳紀念醫院,於2002年辦理兩場「正確使用抗生素種子訓練研討會」。總計有中部地區相關醫療人員(包括醫師、藥師、護理人員及其他醫療人員)共138人參加, 其中完成前測問卷者總計129人,完成後測問卷者總計120人。分析與會學員之前、後測資料發現,醫師以及過去曾經參加過類似研討會的醫療人員的參與率較低。整體而言,學員對正確使用抗生素的認知在參加研討會課程後有顯著的改善(p值< 0.0001)。進一步分析發現四十歲以上以及過去不曾參加過類似研討會的學員有較明顯的進步幅度(p值< 0.05),而學員進步的幅度與其職業別或性別之間並無明顯的相關性。
Appropriate prescribing of antibiotics may help to resolve the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance. With the support of Department of Health, Taiwan, Republic of China, we conducted two symposiums concerning the appropriate use of antibiotics for health-care workers (including physicians, pharmacists, nursing staffs, and other health-care workers) in central Taiwan, on July 18th and October 19th 2002, respectively. In total, there were 138 participants with 120 of them completing both pre-tests and post-tests. Statistical analysis revealed that doctors and study subjects with experience of similar symposiums had less motivation to participate in such training courses. The knowledge of participants about the appropriate use of antibiotics significantly improved following the attending of these symposiums (p< 0.0001). The extent of improvement was greater in the elderly health-care workers and thosee with no experience of such symposiums (p < 0.05), but it was not strongly associated with the participants' sex or their career.
起訖頁 37-42
關鍵詞 抗生素研討會前測後測symposiumappropriate use of antibioticspre-testspost-tests
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 200404 (5:1-2期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 動作分析於音樂傷害之應用--以大提琴學生演奏顫音時左上肢動作分析為例
該期刊-下一篇 建構地區醫院績效管理制度之初探--使用平衡計分卡




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