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The Influencing Factors of Attending County Ultrasound Breast Screening Program
作者 陳美筵潘智仁蔡志宏 (Henry Tsai)
國人生活飲食日益西化,女性乳癌的發生率和死亡率皆大為增加,而乳房超音波是台灣女性乳房檢查重要的輔助性工具。本文即針對參與衛生局主導的「彰化縣社區婦女參與乳房超音波檢查過程及影響因素」做探討。研究對象為參加乳房超音波檢查之社區婦女,經取得同意並以觀察、訪談及結構式問卷收集資料,發出問卷1500份,實際回收1450份有效問卷,再以SPSS 8.0版軟體分析,所使用統計方法有頻率分佈及卡方檢定。重要結果顯示:1.收集資料為十五場次共1450份問卷、發現需做進一步追蹤共155人,約佔參與人數的9.3%。2.大眾傳播媒體的宣導是促使社區婦女參與活動的最主要因素。訊息的得知來自衛生所人員主動宣導者佔36.2%,來自衛生所宣傳單者佔31.6%。3.希望由女醫師執行乳房超音波檢查佔43.9%,認為由男醫師或女醫師執行檢查皆可的佔54.9%,但前提下多表示醫師要有好的經驗、技術及人品。4.第一次接受乳房超音波檢查佔77.1%、從未到醫院做過乳房檢查者佔81.7%、從未執行BSE佔50.6%。5.不太清楚乳房自我檢查步驟佔45.5%;清楚乳房自我檢查步驟,且有定期執行者佔5.2%。可見社區婦女對此次乳房超音波檢查活動,多為第一次參與;且在乳房自我檢查的認知、主動性、執行意願上有明顯不足。因此建議政府保健單位及醫療相關單位,多培育乳房超音波檢查專才,及在推廣預防保健、早期發現早期治療的觀念時,也在乳房超音波檢查方面,加強宣導以增加社會大眾的重視。
The incidence and the mortality of breast cancer have increased rapidly in Taiwan during the past few years. For screening breast cancer, breast ultrasound has been one of the most widely used tests in Taiwan. This study surveys the factors that may influence the participation of women in Changhua County. Breast Cancer Screening Program.The data collected in this survey was obtained by interviews and collections of questionnaires completed by women who had undergone breast ultrasound study during the past year. A total of 1500 copies of questionnaires were sent and 1450 of them were returned. The statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS (version 8.0) software. The findings are summarized as follow: 1. Out of 1450 questionnaires, 155 (9.3%) needs further evaluation. 2. Media informatics is the main factor that attracts women to participate in breast cancer screening. 36.2% of participants came as a result of active recruitment by local workers in the local county health office while 31.6% came after reading the introducing brochures distributed throughout the County. 3. 43.9% of the participants prefer breast ultrasound examination done by a female physician while 54.9% of the participants have shown no such preference. 4. 81.7% of the participants have never received breast ultrasound in a hospital. 77.1% of the participants had their first breast ultrasound (BUS) in this screening program. 5. Breast self examinations (BSE) arc performed methodically and regularly by 5.2% of the screened women. 45.5% do not know well about the correct method of BSE and 50.6% have never practised BSE. These findings indicate that the majority of women in Changhua County have participated in the BUS for the first time and most of them showed a clear deficiency in the knowledge and the method of BSE. We suggest that the government health bureau should develop a program to increase the number of competent breast ultrasound examining physicians for breast cancer screening. Furthermore, public education of breast self examination and more breast cancer screening acitivities in the communities are important Inc early detection of breast cancer.
起訖頁 65-73
關鍵詞 社區婦女乳房超音波檢查影響因素women of Chaughua countybreast cancer screening with ultrasoundfactors influencing women
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 200004 (2:2期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 分子生物學於臨床醫學之應用
該期刊-下一篇 經內視鏡逆行性胰臟導管放置術治療胰臟瘻管合併胰液外漏:病例報告




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