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A Need Assessment Study on Hospital Services in An-Nan District, an Underserved Community without a Hospital
作者 鄭雅文 (Yawen Cheng)顏裕庭黃文河孫緒媛黃明和牟聯瑞
In 1991 the Department of Health (DOH) Executive Yuan, ROC, provided grants-in-aid to encourage the underserved community to build the hospital in providing comprehensive care for the underserved residents. A general hospital with 140 beds was formally approved to build in An-nan District, a community without a hospital for a population of 154,738 by the DOH in 1997. A community survey assessing the needs of the hospital services was conducted in October 1998. Community leaders and the citizen representatives are enthusiastic in supporting the hospital project. All 45 physicians practicing in the community were interviewed, most of them welcomed the construction of the new hospital and showed their interest in affiliation with the new hospital. Daily medical demands in the An-nan community were around 2,500 patients, 1.5% of the total population. Although the new hospital is adequate to accommodate admission needs of the An-nan people, it is crucial to receive support from the local clinicians. In addition to establish clinical departments of internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, pediatrics, radiology and anesthesiology to serve as the back-up hospital for local clinicians, who largely provide primary care services, it is suggested to open the departments of family medicine and community medicine in order to provide community-oriented primary care in meeting health needs of the underserved An-nan population. Clinical clerkship programs for medical students and specialty residency training programs are to be offered to train future physicians to serve the underserved areas.
起訖頁 51-57
關鍵詞 Hospital serviceUnderserved community醫院的醫療需求醫療資源缺乏地區
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 200004 (2:2期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-下一篇 分子生物學於臨床醫學之應用




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