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The Screenplay on Oral Examination of the American Board of Anesthesiologists
作者 黃傳彥
美國麻醉醫學會(American Society of Anesthesiologists,簡稱ASA),成立於1931年。其下設置美國麻醉專科醫師學會(American Board of Anesthesiologists,或ABA),專司審核評鑑美國麻醉住院醫師訓練合格的醫院及相關規章,並頒發「麻醉專科醫師」證書給通過筆試及口試的受完訓的麻醉醫師。ABA是全屬學術單位,不具行政權的機構。每年舉行筆試一次及口試二次。後者在春秋兩季中,輪流在美國各大都市開辦。一般剛完成四年麻醉住院醫師訓練者,申請到任何教學醫院當主治醫師時,會被要求在未來兩年內需通過專科醫師考試。否則有另請高就之虞。筆者在1970年留美期間參與此口試,迄今相距三十年之久。此篇塵封良久撰文,由美國帶回台灣經修飾而完成。文中所採用的試題及對答內容均反應當時醫技環境的麻醉水平與今日高科技,快速成長的現代一日千里的麻醉相比,真不可同日而言!且讓吾人以思古懷舊的情懷重溫那段早己逝去的年華及慌忙緊張的日子。
The American Society of Anesthesiologists has been established since 1931. Under the auspices of the ASA, the American Board of Anesthesiologists was created in 1937 which began to certify specialists. The Board of trustee administers one written test in July and two oral examinations yearly for those who have satisfactorily finished 4 years of anesthesia residency training in accredited hospitals across the country. The Board is a pure academic body and possesses no administrative power. After having passed the written test, the candidate will be advised to attend the next available oral examination date and place. It is usually held in a Resort Hotel among large metropolitan cities. On the appointed day, all candidates will appear on site. After briefing, each candidate will stand ready in front of his assigned hotel room door along the corridor, waiting for the signal to enter. Two examiners are inside the room, each will alternately quiz 15 minutes, so that 30 minutes later, the session is over. Thereafter, the candidate in room A will go to adjoining room B, and the one in room B to room A to begin another 30 minutes session. After that, the oral exam is over. To pass the American Board of Anesthesiologists oral examination is the most coveted, prestigious and sought-after goal among young anesthesiologists in U.S.A. For those who have gone through it and succeeded in it, the whole experience is unforgettable. This paper was written almost 30 years ago. Just for refreshing the old memory and offering a glimpse of how this oral examination is conducted, the highlights of this format are presented.
起訖頁 25-30
關鍵詞 美國麻醉醫學會美國麻醉專科醫師學會ASA: American Society of AnesthesiologistsABA: American Board of Anesthesiologists
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 199910 (1:特刊期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣的民營醫院
該期刊-下一篇 中國大陸浙江省病態竇房結綜合症與竇房結功能評價




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