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A Lady's Historical Comment across the Sea: The Printing and Transmission of Li Wanfang's Dushi guanjian in Nineteenth-century Japan
作者 衣若蘭
《讀史管見》為清代廣東女史李晚芳(1692-1767)所著,是一部議論司馬遷《史記》的史評著作。目前各大圖書館所藏之版本,多為日人池內陶所(1814-1863)於江戶末期校訂之和刻本。一位生活在18 世紀廣東順德的女子,其著作為何會流傳至日本?在日本如何被翻刻?本文嘗試辨析和刻本《讀史管見》的出版與流傳,盼以此為例,一窺19 世紀中日書籍與出版文化交流史,並省思書籍交流史研究之整合,以及專屬於「東亞」書籍史的可能性。
The transmission of Chinese books to Japan played an important role in the formation of book culture in the Edo period of Japan. Much research has been done by Oba Osamu (1927-2002) on this subject. But relevant topic on the late nineteenth century is still little has been known, especially on how a specific book has been circulated between China and Japan. This article traces Dushi guanjian (My Humble Opinions on “Records of the Grand Historian”), which was written by a talented lady Li Wanfang (1692-1767) in eighteenth-century Guangdong and was reprinted (Kabusebori) by Ikeuchi Tosho (1814-1863) in 1856, Osaka. The author takes this case study as an example to investigate book as a medium in the history of Sino-Japanese culture encounter in the nineteenth century. Through this study, the author found that the study of cultural exchange and that of history of books should be merged together tightly so that they will not only be considered a matter of trading. Last, we may reconsider if it is possible to build up a special field for doing research on the history of books in East Asia.
起訖頁 173-217
關鍵詞 《讀史管見》李晚芳池內陶所和刻漢籍中日書籍交流史Dushi guanjianLi WanfangIkeuchi ToshoKabusebori reprints of Chinese worksHistory of Sino-Japanese book transmission
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 201506 (55期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 十九世紀臺江海埔墾地開發與臺灣郡城的官商利益結構
該期刊-下一篇 從徐國琦Chinese and Americans: A Shared History 談美國學界對中美關係史研究的新取徑




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