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The Function of Goverment-appointed Patriarch in Qing I-lan
作者 李信成
The Qing government began to appoint patriarchs during the Yongzheng period in areas where patriarchal clans lived together, as a way to strengthen the Bao-jia system and govern the clans. Taiwan was a new settlement of Han immigrants, so the clans were not well developed. Notebly, in I-lan, where Han immigrants moved during the Jiaqing period, there was not enough time for them to propagate a clan. But, the present study found that the local government appointed many patriarchs for the different surnames in I-lan. The question arises: if there were no dominent clans, how and why were patriarchs appointed? What was the function of the government-appointed patriarchs? These are the questions which this study tries to answer, and which hopefully helps us to know more about the local governing system in the Qing Dynasty. This research has produced following foundings: 1. I-lan was a society of mixed surnames, but the Zhang-zhou immigrants were the majority, which caused the immigrants to have a stronger sense of identity besides having the same surname; 2. On the eve of I-lan becoming part of the Qing Dynasty, the Taiwan local government had just approved the policy of appointing patriarchs. Although there were no clans that lived together in I-lan, the immigrants had surname identities and elected their patriarchs. The local officials utilized it, and the practice of government officials appointing patriarchs became a policy of I-lan. 3. The distinguishing feature of I-lan government-appointed patriarchs was there was no real clan for a patriarch to run. They contained a group of immigrants who had surname identity while they did not live together. The government appointed patriarchs universally for the different surnames, and did so through entire 19th century. Most of the appointed patriarchs were landlords or rich merchants. 4. The government-appointed patriarchs became helpers of local government in governing. They helped to control and to solve internal disputes among those people who had the surname identity, some patriarchs were actively involved in public affairs just as they were as gentry.
起訖頁 67-124
關鍵詞 清代宜蘭同姓認同官舉族長族正Qing DynastyI-lansurname identitygovernment-appointed patriarch
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 201506 (55期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 絕對王權下貴族的書寫與出版──拉侯什傅科公爵的《道德箴言錄》與巴黎菁英讀者
該期刊-下一篇 十九世紀臺江海埔墾地開發與臺灣郡城的官商利益結構




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