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The Development of the Directorate School and Its Political Meaning in the Middle and Late Northern Song
作者 朱銘堅
Historians generally agree that the middle and late Northern Song was a period when the Imperial University gradually flourished and ultimately surpassed the Directorate School. Nevertheless, investigation of the institutional settings, staff compositions, and students' prospects of the Directorate School reveals that during the late Northern Song when the Three Hall system was implemented empirewide, the 'aristocratic' youths studying at the Directorate School were treated much better than the lower elites and commoners studying at the Imperial University and the Biyong Academy. The Directorate School had been revitalized in the late Northern Song, and the process of its subordination to the Imperial University was never a linear one. Even though the Directorate School's dominance over the Imperial University did not persist after the abolition of the empirewide Three Hall system, it deserves close attention and reconsideration in view of its deviation from the general perception of the Tang-Song period, namely, a transition from aristocratic to meritocratic society. This investigation shows that revitalization of the Directorate School, together with other policies favorable to 'aristocratic' youth, such as protection privileges and appointment examinations, were part of Cai Jing's strategy to recruit followers and protect his family's long-term interests.
起訖頁 1-45
關鍵詞 北宋國子學蔡京門閥統治賢人統治Northern SongDirectorate SchoolCai Jingaristocracymeritocracy
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 201412 (54期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-下一篇 從朝廷到地方──元代去思碑的盛行與應用場域的轉移




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