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Joseon Envoys' Intercourse with Annam, Lan Xang, and Ryukyu in Beijing during 1760-1761
作者 沈玉慧
During its later period, the diplomacy of Korean dynasty was limited to the Qing dynasty and Japan. As the dispatches of Joseon (朝鮮) missions to Japan were not very frequent, the Korean dynasty generally gathered intelligence about the Qing dynasty, Western countries, and other tribute states through the envoys. And, conversations with the people of other countries were one of the main methods of Joseon envoys to gather the direct intelligence of their countries. The Joseon envoys' communication with Ryukyu (琉球) and Annam (安南) is now under study, while the Qing dynasty had other tribute states as well, such as Siam (暹羅), Lan Xang (南掌), Myanmar (緬甸), Sulu (蘇祿) and so on. Besides of the envoys, Ryukyu also sent students to study in Guozijian (國子監, 'the Imperial Academy'). Therefore, Joseon envoys would have chances to meet and communicate with people from other countries during their time in Beijing. In recent years, most of the studies on Maritime East-Asia focus on the studies of unofficial merchants and drifters. However, discussing the communication activity among the envoys of those tribute states could help us to understand the intercourse among the East-Asia countries. Moreover, as the intercourse among the tribute states' envoys actually derived from tribute system, the Qing dynasty's attitude toward these communication activity is also worth concerning. In 1760, as Joseon, Annam and Lan Xang dispatched their envoys to pay tribute, and Ryukyu sent their government-funded students to study in Guozijian, those people had chances to contact and interact with each other. This paper discusses the communication of Joseon envoys with people from other countries, and the Qing dynasty's attitude toward this kind of communication activity among the envoys, based on the Joseon envoys' intercourse with Annam's and Lan Xang'senvoys, and also with the Ryukyu's government-funded students in Guozijian from the end of 1760 to the February of 1761.
起訖頁 109-153
關鍵詞 朝鮮安南琉球南掌使節交流情報收集JoseonAnnamRyukyuLan Xangthe intercourse of envoysintelligence gathering
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 201212 (50期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 陰氣鬱積──明代宮人的採選與放出
該期刊-下一篇 惑在哪裡──新解胡適與李大釗「問題與主義」的論辯及其歷史意義




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