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The Effect of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Platforms on Perceived Credibility, Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention: A Study of Chinese Young Consumers
作者 趙萌萌
An experiment was conducted in the context of negative word-of-mouth to examine differences among social networking site (Facebook), personal blog, micro-blog (Weibo), and discussion forum in consumers' perceived credibility, brand attitude and purchase intention. Each of the 190 respondents was randomly assigned to one of the four eWOM platforms. Results showed significant main effect of the treatment on all dependent variables. Another intriguing finding was that consumers' perceptions of site credibility and source credibility were combined as one factor confirmed by factor analysis. This new factor, named as perceived eWOM credibility, is significantly differed among the four sites, such that the credibility of the eWOM message posted on personal blog was rated highest and discussion forum lowest, with micro-blog and social networking site rated between these. Interestingly and explicably, although the overall levels of brand attitude and purchase intention were low after reading the negative review, respondents assigned in discussion forum group showed slightly better attitude toward the brand and greater purchase intention than those exposed to other three eWOM platforms. Implications for both research and practice were discussed.
起訖頁 90-120
關鍵詞 網路口碑行銷社交媒體認知的可信度品牌態度購買意願中國消費者eWOMSocial mediaPerceived credibilityBrand attitudePurchase intentionChinese consumer
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201407 (27期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 聽覺與視覺置入一致性對行動廣告回憶與態度效果之探討




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