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The Third-Person Effect of Facebook Usage: The Sale of Taiwan's Next Media
作者 林聖庭
In 2012, when Want Want China Times Group was going to acquire the Next Media Group, the government was requested to draft the antitrust law exclusively regulating the media by many civic groups, many of whom were organized online. These groups used Facebook to connect and mobilize effectively. This paper tries to investigate how Facebook users evaluate the influences of the information concerning the sale of the Next Media on themselves by adopting the Third-Person Effect theory (TPE). The research surveyed the Facebook users' cognition and behaviors about the sale of Next Media and hypothesized that people with different levels of issue-involvement may react differently. The survey data finds that: First, Facebook users do not think that the information concerning the sale influences others more than on themselves. Second, issue-involvement is a significant variable to predict the Third-Person Effect. Facebook users with high issue involvement will have 'the Reverse Third-Person Effect'. Finally, the perceived effect on self and the perceived effects on others can positively predict the intentions and behaviors of supporting the censorship of sale of the Next Media.
起訖頁 31-62
關鍵詞 壹傳媒第三人效果社群網站社會距離涉入感Next MediaThe Third-Person EffectSocial networkSocial distanceInvolvement
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201401 (26期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 在個人、社群與產業三構面下之遊戲模組玩家的行為意義
該期刊-下一篇 Online Parenting Information Seeking: Gratifications, Usage, and Perceived Importance by Chinese Parents with Young Children




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