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Aboriginal Audience and Communication Technology: Internet Cafe in Tao's Everyday Lives
作者 張玉佩
Indigenous media have become an intensely debated subject in discussions of cultural diversity and access to communication technologies. In many circles, the question of the equitable and affordable access to communication and information has begun to be conceptualized as integral to human rights and as an essential element in the foundation of a knowledge and/or information society. The purpose of the paper is to analyze how marginalized peoples perceived and positioned themselves in relation to global computer networking, and how these sociotechnical apparatuses figured in local life worlds. This paper took ethnography as research method to explore the indigenous Internet practices by observing Internet cafes in Orchid Island. It argues that, beyond consideration f the social impact of communication technologies on indigenous cultures, it is also relevant to consider the cultural construction of new technologies of information and communication in order to better understand the ways in which indigenous peoples adopt and make use of new digital technologies according to interpretative communities and customs of everyday life. The chapter concludes by supporting the need for self-identification of local practices and knowledge within the communities in order to design adequate strategies to gain benefit from the use of communication technologies.
起訖頁 96-119
關鍵詞 原住民達悟族蘭嶼閱聽人研究網路文化IndigeneityTaoOrchid IslandAudience researchInternet culture
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201207 (23期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 谷歌退出中國新聞的第三人效果研究




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