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The Influence by the Fairness of Placement Marketing in Online Games Onto the Game Players' Quitting Tendency tendency
作者 羅順年林清同
At present, because the technology of the broadband network environment have reached maturely to everyone, the on-line games which the emphasizing immediate interaction have became the most popular and first choice of network innovation service. The game manufacturers do everything possible to increase the earning than maintain the enterprise to last. In the near future in Taiwan, Facebook website and the Coca Cola Company US grain of fruit brand drink's exchange empirical value state posts the marketing profit pattern to receive the attention from all walks of life. Such marketing way also before playing the family consumer behavior and the game industry related domain has brought the impact which and the challenge has not seen. And themost widespread discusser is game fairness. This research goal mainly lies in the analysis to play the family, in the expense exchange empirical value posts in the marketing on-line game and plays the tendency to game fairness view the change. The research 'the happy farm' plays the family take the Facebook website as the object, estimate recycling effective questionnaire 1000. The hope by way of the research discovery, this research can not only enter the opposition marketing line upstream playing family's in consumer behavior defining clearly, but also gain the sells technique to on-line game entrepreneur to put forward the concrete proposal.
起訖頁 48-78
關鍵詞 線上遊戲置入性行銷遊戲公平性遊戲罷玩罷玩傾向On-line gamesProduct placementGame fairnessQuitting gameThe quitting-game tendency
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201201 (22期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 銀髮族網路交友動機之研究
該期刊-下一篇 著作權法三振條款制度對著作權平衡保護的影響




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