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The Construction of the Symbolic Meanings of Consumption: A Case Study of the Online Starbucks Discussion Board
作者 高郁惠
In Starbucks discussion board, a lot of discussion related to new products and the topic of talk always accompany with new products and commercial sales. Starbucks' fans create consumption meanings through 'talk' (by presenting their opinions or discuss with others) and 'observation'( browsing others' discussion), so physical products become a variety of symbolic meanings that are signified by words. In other words, when physical products represent symbols in the virtual world, the most important thing does not lie on their physical property but meanings (or written words) that signify to them, because our imagination and remembrance about physical products are constructed by words that signify our consumption experiences. The community is formed by Starbucks' fans. It has the characteristic of tribal society and the term tribal society were mention by Michel Maffesoli. Groups are not immobile, and they represent the proprieties of flow, gathering and scattering at random. The consumers, being consumption subjectivities, often interact with others through the production of written words and participate in the production process of Starbucks consumption discourse. They become reflexive subject when they retrospect the connections of their actions.
起訖頁 101-129
關鍵詞 星巴克咖啡符號消費意義建構Starbucks coffeeSymbolic consumptionConstruction of meanings
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201101 (19期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 購物網站的個人化商品資訊服務與社群設計對消費者忠誠度的影響
該期刊-下一篇 歐美亞各國主要數位遊戲分級制度之探討




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