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Meaning Construction, Gaze and Language in Media Space: the Case of Skype
作者 黃齡儀
新傳播科技和社會的關係為何?不同於鉅觀觀點,本文欲以微觀觀點描繪新傳播科技所形塑的人與人互動形式,從改變的互動形式中,希望能回饋到人機互動設計中。本文以新傳播科技—Webcam在Skype上的應用為例,以機緣理論一一檢視其生物、文化面向的限制和創意,檢視的重點則放在非口語傳播元素—視覺。應用Webcam這項新科技如何改變了人們互動時的凝視規則,視覺線索等等,人們藉著體現互動﹙embodied interaction﹚又如何從中產生創意,創造出新的凝視規則,將是本文探討的重點。資料分析則藉著對話分析和凝視過錄厚描在Webcam下的互動形式。研究發現Webcam的媒介空間所產生的特殊空間感,的確影響了視覺的感知,並影響了人們溝通的內容和方式。另外,也由於Webcam中介的溝通,使的凝視規則改變,看與不看、如何看都值得人機互動設計者深思。最後,回到傳播的本質也就是「意義從何而來」的問題。新傳播科技中的意義不再獨尊語言,意義是由各個元素(口語和非口語)如同交響樂團般互相演奏、配合交織而成,並沒有何種元素比哪種元素更為重要。除了呼應實踐語言的意涵外,也再一次強調了各種非口語傳播元素在人機互動設計中的重要性。
What's the relationship between the new communicative technology and the society? Instead of a macro perspective, this article tries to use a micro perspective to analyze human-computer interaction. By the micro analysis, I answer the question of how to design human-computer interface. This article focuses on a new technology, the Skype's webcam, and uses affordance theory to examine biological and cultural constraints and creativities. The examination focuses on the nonverbal communicative element-gaze. How do people change their visual perception and the rules of interaction? How do people create embodied interaction and new rules? The data transcribes the conversation and gaze in the use of Skype. The research finds that special media space influences people's visual perception and changes the ways of communication. The human- computer interaction designers should be concerned about these issues. Finally, this article tries to answer the basic question of communication, i.e., where the meaning is from. Language is no longer the privileged communicative element in new technology. Verbal and nonverbal elements intertwine with each other in the symphony of meanings. No element is more important than another. This article emphasizes the importance of nonverbal communicative element in human-computer interaction interface design.
起訖頁 167-195
關鍵詞 人機互動機緣理論非口語傳播實踐語言Human-computer interaction interfaceAffordance theoryNonverbal communication
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 200801 (14期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 MSN Messenger的媒介訊息:從符擔性看MSN人際關係展演
該期刊-下一篇 美麗人生?網路相簿社群內階級與權力關係研究




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