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The Effects of a Change in Technology on Social Network Structure and Scientific Performance
作者 黃心怡
Scientific researches are becoming more cross-disciplined and collaborative. The first objective of this study is to explore a government-lead, technical steering committee-the IPv6 research collaboration team, and its collaborative pattern of research alliances as well as the role of ICTs plays in the collaboration. Does the use of CMC enhance collaboration transform team network structure, and thus facilitate academic productivity? We conducted a web-based survey to answer our research questions and used citation analysis to draw the network of co-author publication in IPv6 team. The results show that strong ties play very significant roles in facilitating all routine, professional, and private life information exchanges within the network. Only team members who come from the same institution and with strong ties can we expect higher level of exchanging information regarding to their professional works other than the Ipv6 project. Those who exchange information heavily show a high academic productivity. The regressions indicate impact of strong tie on academic productivity is through members' active interaction and heavy information exchanges. In all, our results demonstrate the use of CMC and the bonding effect of social network enhance academic productivity. The findings support the dense network and strong tie hypotheses, furthermore, the mechanisms of network bonding effect on high academic productivity are clarified.
起訖頁 167-191
關鍵詞 協同合作研究社會網絡理論電腦中介溝通學術生產力Research collaborationSocial networkCMCScientific productivity
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 200707 (13期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 電子商務系統影響初始信任感之設計因素探討
該期刊-下一篇 台灣地區資訊教育與數位落差問題探討




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