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Media, Speed and Love in the Informational Age
作者 曹家榮
Bauman在《Liquid Love》中,認為現代社會的愛情已然呈現為一種流動不定的樣態,不再有著至死不渝的愛情誓言。本文的目的便在於試圖以媒介分析的進路來詮釋此一現象。本文認為,不論是從Heidegger對於現代科技的分析,或是McLuhan的媒介觀來看,它們都指向了技術/媒介與人類行為的相互影響與建構,這說明了我們自身與技術/媒介之間並非只是一種工具性的關係,而該是具有更深層地意義關連。而在這樣的關係中,本文所注重的焦點則是技術/媒介的速度特性在其中所具有的影響可能性。因此,本文認為正是由於資訊時代中技術/媒介在速度上的極致發展,在某種程度上型塑了Bauman所描述的那種流動性的愛情認識。
In Liquid Love, Bauman considers that love has become liquid in modern society and there has been no more swear of love to death. This study attempts to interpret this phenomenon by media analysis. This study considers what Heidegger said about technics and McLuhan talked about media both indicate the inter-construction between technics/media and human behaviors. It is to say that the relationship between technics/media and us is not just for instrumental relation but a profound and meaningful relationship. In this relationship, what this study concerns is the possibility of the effect of speed. Therefore this study considers that just because of the ultimate revolution of the speed of technics/media in the informational age, the awareness of liquid love, what Bauman said, was constituted.
起訖頁 267-294
關鍵詞 技術媒介速度流動愛海德格麥克魯漢technicsmediaspeedliquid loveHeideggerMcLuhan
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 200507 (9期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 Out of the Closet and into the Political Arena: Can the Internet Become a Location for Queer Movements?
該期刊-下一篇 Out of the Closet and into the Political Arena: Can the Internet Become a Location for Queer Movements?




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