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Communication Rights in the Information Society
作者 賴祥蔚
聯合國在新世紀伊始就舉辦了兩階段的「資訊社會的世界高峰會」(UN World Summit on the Information Society,WSIS)。這兩場高峰會的重要議題之一就是「資訊社會的傳播權」(Communication Rights in the Information Society,CRIS)。關於傳播與權利,目前人類在傳播方面的主要權利可以說是言論自由,這也是普世認同的人權之一。然而,人類在傳播方面的權利僅止於言論自由嗎?會不會不限於言論自由而已?聯合國目前關切的傳播權又具有什麼內涵?到底什麼是傳播權?本文嘗試針對資訊社會的傳播權進行探討,分析傳播權在國外與國內的相關論述與發展。
Communication Rights in the Information Society (CRIS)' is one of the most important issues in 'World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)' which is held by United Nations. Communication Rights is based on the freedom of speech which is one of most important human rights. At present days, the freedom of speech is not only accepted universally, but also written into every country constitution. When time goes by, the meaning of the freedom of speech is getting complex and deep. However, as far as communication is concerned, is the freedom of speech the only right that human being could enjoy? The article will introduce the background of WSIS and CRIS then review related literatures concerning communication rights.
起訖頁 185-203
關鍵詞 資訊社會傳播權言論自由權利information societycommunication rightthe freedom of speechrights
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 200507 (9期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從網際網路看客家想像社群的建構
該期刊-下一篇 A High-tech Illusion or a Soultion? American Political Scientists' Perspectives on E-Democracy




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