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The Formation of Cyberpeer and its Impacts on Youth Socialization
作者 陳俞霖
Describes a study which aimed to the effect of the N generation's socialization from cyberpeer. The traditional view believes that the environment is the most important factor to influence the peers. Due to the geographical limit, teenagers force themselves to participate in some groups for adapting the external condition, such as, environment; moreover, to seek the acceptation of their peers for social requirement and safety. However, recently, the Internet becomes the new way to obtain information and socialize with people. It provides the demands of social activity and supporting from peers; therefore, the N generation indulges in the Internet. As a result, 'cyberpeer' is produced. In virtue of the Internet diversification, less limitation and more choice, the cyberpeers can replace the traditional peers to supply the supportability. Conversion of socialization from traditional to the Internet is a huge change. In this newly socialization process, teenagers can learn not only earlier, but also can undergo a different socialized experience. In the past, the teenagers frequently learn and grow up in a protected, distinctive and separate campus culture. After leaving the school life, they need to proceed re-socialized to get into the real social environment properly. Unlike the traditional socialization, in the Internet ages, teenagers can interact and socialize with people through cyberpeer in the Internet. They can realize and experience the real society by imitating the role played on the Internet.
起訖頁 149-181
關鍵詞 網路同儕社會化虛擬社群網路人際關係CyperpeerSocializationVirtual CommunityInternet relationship
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 200207 (3期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 Cyborg、烏托邦:個人解放的騙局!?
該期刊-下一篇 線上遊戲的魅力




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