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A Study on Changes in Writing Materials of Bamboo Poetry in the Ming Dynasty
作者 歐純純
The writing materials of bamboo poetry, which reflect local customs, characteristics, and culture, changed a lot from the Tang Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty. Taking the bamboo poetry in the Ming Dynasty as an example, some works still followed the footsteps and continued with the writing materials of predecessors, while other works changed significantly. The changed works can generally be divided into two categories. The first category includes materials created in the Ming Dynasty, which never appeared in previous dynasties, including bamboo poetry of translation, that of Yueling, and that of Dengshi. The other category includes materials which rarely appeared in previous dynasties. Only one work could be found among the existing literature. However, these materials started to thrive in the Ming Dynasty, and the numbers significantly increased. This category of works includes the bamboo poetry of festivals and gods, as well as that of Tihua. The investigation of changes in writing materials of bamboo poetry in the Ming Dynasty can help clarify changes in quality and quantity of bamboo poetry in the history of literary development, and elucidate several aspects of the life and culture of citizens in the Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties, thus contributing to our understanding of literature, sociology, folklore, and history. To be more specific, this study makes four meaningful contributions: ) we reveal the context and source of development of certain works of bamboo poetry in the Qing Dynasty; ) this study contributes to our understanding of the unique lifestyle in certain places based on the works investigated here, which can provide abundant information for future studies on the cultures of various places; ) we trace certain developmental trends in bamboo poetry in the Ming Dynasty based on the works investigated here; ) this study observes how poets of bamboo poetry in the Ming Dynasty learn from and react to poets of previous dynasties.
起訖頁 27-52
關鍵詞 竹枝詞地方文化地方風俗明代詩歌詩歌題材Bamboo poetrylocal culturelocal customspoetry in the Ming Dynastymaterials of poetry
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201412 (28:2期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 東勢客家話單字調的實驗研究
該期刊-下一篇 漸進減量法與立即戒斷法之復發狀況研究:以戒菸專線服務中心為例




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