英文摘要 |
This paper attempts to explain the characteristics and question of part-time employ-ment, and use dual log least square technique to forcast the numbers of part-time worker in Taiwan area in 2000 and 2005 A.D. Part-time employment has inverse relationship with business cycle, and is deeply affected by the adjustment in the structure of domestic production. There are the trends that the number and ratio of part-time employment are decreasing in agricultural sector and increasing in services sector. Among part-time workers, 50% of them engage in service jobs and 70% of them belong to lower wage and skilled. The gross products of agricultural relative to services, the labor force participation rate of married woman, and the employer actual payment of labor insurance, have the largest effect on part-time employment, and their elaciticity coefficients are 1.508, 1.070, and 0.675. Annual changes in implicit price deflator for GDP and unemployment rate are most statistical significantly. In 2000 and 2005 AD., the percentages of part-time employment are 12.04% (low projection)~16.83% (high projection) and 18.03%~25.22%, and the numbers of part-time employment are 1.191~1.665 millions and 1.908~2.669 millions. Apparently, part-time employment will have a rapid growth in future then years. On public policy, the government must plan childcare and aliment system suitly and establish elder manpower bank, to attract the married women and retired to return to the labor market. At the same time government can encourage the employer to improve hire system and create more part-time jobs, for example, to adopt short-time job or to share job etc. Finally, the government must also enact laws to protect those who work more than certain number of hours and earn more than certain amount of wage per week to enjoy the right of social security system. |