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The Working Accuracy of Mold Corner Cutting by Micro-WEDM
作者 戴子堯許富銓陳致維
In this study, the Micro Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (Micro-WEDM) machine was used to research the corner cutting accuracy. The dielectric was de-ionized (DI) water, the diameter of wolfram wire selected was 30μm. The material was Stainless Steel SUS420 after heat treatment. The discharging parameter thickness and the workpiece thickness were the same as 6mm. From the input conditions, the smart program in the machine automatically chose working parameters with flushing pressure (P) of 1.2 (bar), wire tension (FW) of 0.8 (N), and wire speed (AW) of 75 (mm/s). The wire tension (FW) working parameters was adjusted to is 0.5、0.8、1.1、1.5 (N), processing six times with 30、60、90 degree V-cut grooves to observe the corner cutting shape. The results revealed that the variation of the corner cutting shape is mainly affected by wire tension. The corner cutting shape was changed about 17μm when the wire tension chosen was between 0.5N (minimum) and 1.5N (maximum). Based on the results from cutting 30、60、90 degree mold grooves, the optimal wire tension applied should be 1.5N better.
起訖頁 21-31
關鍵詞 微細線切割加工不銹鋼模具隅角精度Micro-WEDMStainless steelMold corner precision
刊名 南臺學報  
期數 201309 (38:3期)
出版單位 南臺科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 The Effects of Brain Temperature Changes on Intracranial Pressure, Cerebral Perfusion Pressure and Prognosis after Traumatic Brain Injury
該期刊-下一篇 用虛擬實境及遊戲增強遠距離手部復健診療系統




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