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作者 劉斌雄
本文是民國六十八年十月四日晚上,在蘭嶼漁人社si Yapen-Manikap家所錄,慶祝新船落成禮歌會實況的前半記錄,附譯文及譯註。歌會所唱的曲調以anohod為主,其音域在大三度內,從最高音開始,往下唱到最低音為特徵。歌詞都是即興的創作,長短大致在四段到八段之間。歌唱以主客對唱的形式進行,每首歌唱完後,再由唱者領唱,全員跟著唱,歌聲悠揚,場面極為莊嚴感人。
Yami at Botel Tobago are typical marine people. They have retained many-cultural traits in fishery and are well-known for their skill in boat construction as well as for their much elaborated boat launching ceremony. During the whole process of the ceremony, both the host and the participating guests would sing reciprocally throughout the night. While this is a unique and rarely observed performance, the lyrics have never been documented and the meaning of such singing gathering never discussed. This text contains all the songs recorded during a celebration ceremony for the completion of a new boat hosted in si Apen-Manikap's house on October 4, 1979. A translated version of the lyrics and translator's notes are appended. The main melody in the singing session is anohod, and the range is within the major third from the highest note down to the lowest one. All lyrics are improvised. The length of each lyric runs from four to eight lines of verses. The singing proceeds by taking turns between the host and the guests. The contents of the songs sung by the guests are usually praises for the host's efforts and achievement relating to the completion of the boat, the magnificence of the ceremony, the hospitality they are given, and their well wishes for the prosperity to be brought about by the boat. The virtue of modesty is very much valued by the Yami people in that they are never easily intoxicated by flattery. Therefore, excessive admiration on the part of the guests is seen as a sign of bad omen and thus the best complimentary address is one which contains praise with some criticism. The richness of the melodies and the fluency and refinement of the lyrics require laborious practice. It is certainly marvellous and respectfull that the Yami people have developed such a degree of profoundness in their ceremonial songs.
起訖頁 147-196
刊名 中央研究院民族學研究所集刊  
期數 198406 (54期)
出版單位 中央研究院民族學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 撒梅族源初探




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