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作者 石磊
就社會文化的整合程度而言,排灣族雖然還沒有達到國家的雛形,但各村落的文化卻有極高的一致性。排灣族與外來文化的接觸,最早可推溯到荷蘭人據臺時期。由於環境的不同,各村落和外界接觸的多少而有所差別。本文的目的,在利用民族誌的資料,推溯出排灣族家族結構的原始型態,以及在接受外來文化影響後的家庭結構的改變。根據筆者的研究,影響排灣族家庭結構的要素有二:(1)兩可居(utrolocal residence)的居住法則,(2)長嗣繼承的繼承法則。在這兩個要素的影響下,主幹家庭成為排灣族家庭發展的理念。家庭一旦建立就朝向主幹家庭的類型發展,雖然有時候會有準伸展家庭、直系家庭、再婚家庭的出現,但都是過渡與暫時的現象。一旦影響家庭發展的客觀因素消失,就會再變成主幹家庭。隨著時間的發展以及排灣族與外界文化接觸的結果,主幹型家庭不再是排灣家庭發展的主要理念,就是說家庭成員範圍不再是以第二等以內的親屬以及直系親屬為限,而且包括餘嗣或者同胞的配偶及其子女,配偶與其前配偶的子女。換句話說,直系、伸展以及再婚家庭在排灣族社會出現的比例有增加的趨勢,而使長嗣繼承受到影響。這種現象如果繼續發展下去的話,排灣族的親屬體系很可能會從血親型變為單系型。
In terms of the degree of socio-cultural integration, Paiwan as a traditional society has not yet achieved a prototypic centralized state. Nevertheless, the degree of cultural consistency among the Paiwan villages is very high. The earliest socio-cultural contact of Paiwanesem with alien world might trace back to the Dutch occupation period, about thres hundred years ago. Owing to ths environmental variaton of each village, the degree of socio-cultural contact of Paiwanese with alien world as a consequence was various. The purpose of this paper is to apply the ethnographic data which the author can obtain at the present tims to drawing a picture of ths traditional Paiwanese family structure and its change during Paiwanese's socio-cultural contact with alien world. There are two factors influencing the structure of the traditional Paiwanese family: utrolocal residence and first-child succession/inheritance. Under the operation of these two factors, the pattern of family development in traditional Paiwanese society is the stem family. Thus, whenever a new (nuclear) family is founded, it will develop to be a stem one. Though there ars some other types of family such as pseudo-extended family, lineal family and second-marriage family co-existing with stem family in traditional Paiwaness society,it is merely a provisional or transitional phenomenon. Furthermore, as soon as antecedent situation for ths aforementioned three types of family disappears, Paiwanese family will develop toward the stem family. Following the socio-cultural contact of Paiwanese with alien world, the stem family is no longer the cardinal idea of the Paiwanese family development. That means, the sphere of family member of Paiwanese is no longer limited in the scope of the secondary kin. Rather, it includes the spouese and children of other children/siblings, and children of own spouse (children of spouss and her/his ex-spouse). In other words, there is a tendency of increasing percentage of the family types in terms of lineal, extended and second-marriage, and at ths same time these types of family become stable. As a result, the system of first-child succession of the Paiwan will be challenged thereby. If this new tendency will develop continuously in the future, I think, the kinship system of Paiwanese will transform from cognatic to unilineal.
起訖頁 71-83
刊名 中央研究院民族學研究所集刊  
期數 198406 (54期)
出版單位 中央研究院民族學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 The Impact of Urbanization on Chinese Family Organization in Taiwan
該期刊-下一篇 東埔社布農人的家庭




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