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作者 楊淑媛
Previous studies of the traditional Bunun political system have emphasized the strong egalitarian tendencies of the Bunun. There is no institutional hierarchy, and political leadership is achieved according to personal abilities and influences. Even though the historical existence of military organizations such as men’s houses has been recorded, this is regarded as merely a regional phenomena and its significance downplayed or ignored. This article challenges these characterizations, combining ethnographic and historical materials to rethink the features of the Bunun political system and taking into account the larger-scale forces bearing upon the Bunun. I argue that the egalitarianism displayed by the Bunun is to a large extent a consequence of Japanese colonial rule. Before the advance of Japanese colonialism in Taiwan, the Bunun socio-political order oscillated between egalitarianism and hierarchy, and the most important factor triggering this shift was hostility and headhunting warfare between different ethnic groups. The suppression of headhunting and tribal warfare by the Japanese colonial state in effect halted such oscillation. Because only by examining the dynamic historical processes of a longer period, and by situating the Bunun within wider regional political contexts can we reach this understanding, this article also critically addresses the theoretical and methodological assumptions of previous studies.
起訖頁 185-219
關鍵詞 布農人先佔獵首戰爭政治領導權多序
刊名 臺灣人類學刊  
期數 200506 (3:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院民族學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 性別區辨、階序與社會:都蘭阿美族的小米週期儀式




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