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作者 郭佩宜
「比較」(comparison)是人陽學研究百年來認識論和方法論,甚至本體論中核心的一環,然而不同人類學理論對比較所扮演的角色之爭辯一直未有定論。全球性跨文化比較研究在面臨詮類取向的桃戰,以及對大理論(grand theory)的質疑之後,亡然邊緣化;然而比較並未在賽類學研究中消失,部分學者倡議以區域化、脈絡化的比較取代通則理論(generalization)的研究目標。此外,許多論者都承認人類學田野工作本身就無可避免地內隱了比較。此種「嵌藏的比較」(implicit comparison)的存在似乎是許多人類學者的共識,但學界尚少詳盡地檢視其運作方式,以及其過程對人類學知識建構的影響。本文以所羅門群島Langalanga人結婚聘禮交換儀式的研究為例,從筆者的田野經驗出發,探討人類學的「比較」(尤其是嵌藏的比較)在類學田野工作、民族誌資料蒐集與詮類,以及人類學知識建構之間的動態關係──筆者稱之為「織疊的比較」(interwoven comparison)。此外,本文擬更進一步主張:「比較」雖是人類的普同現象,但不同社會文化以及不同歷史政經脈絡下,人們所做的比較可能有所差異。深究當地人的「比較觀」──人們揀選何者做比較、如何以及為何做比較,與「比較」在當地人的「比較」在當地人建構對世界的理解上所扮演的角色──對進一步瞭解當地社會文化將有所助益。
”Comparison” has been at the core of anthropological epistemology, methodology, and even ontology for the past century, though various theoretical approaches have diversified perspectives on its place in anthropology. Worldwide cross-cultural comparison has been marginalized since the interpretive turn and the semi-death of grand theory in anthropology. However, comparison has not disappeared from anthropological research. Some scholars propose regional and contextualized comparison in place of “comparison for generalization.” Many acknowledge that comparison is inevitable and inherent in anthropological fieldwork. Such “implicit comparison,” thought widely recognized among anthropologists, is little examined, and how its practice and process impact on the construction of anthropological knowledge is understudied. Based on my fieldwork experiences in studying bride wealth exchange rituals among the Langalanga, Solomon Islands, this paper examines the dynamic relationships between anthropological “comparisons” (especially implicit comparison) and fieldwork, ethnographic data gathering and interpretation in anthropological knowledge construction. I argue that the process can be characterized as “interwoven comparison.” Moreover, this paper argues that in spite of the universality of comparison in human beings, comparison varies in different socio-cultural as well as historical and political contexts. In-depth study of local concepts of comparison-what, how and why people compare, and the role comparison plays in local epistemology-can contribute to our understanding of local society and culture.
起訖頁 1-41
關鍵詞 比較人類學知識聘禮交換田野工作美拉尼西亞
刊名 臺灣人類學刊  
期數 200412 (2:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院民族學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 The Writing of History: The Religious Practices of the Mediums’ Association in Taiwan




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