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作者 楊淑媛
This article takes to task some important theoretical assumptions in the mainstream studies of social memory, namely, the preoccupation with counter-memory and the tendency to view any discrepancy between official history and local memory as a critique of power and colonial oppression. Through the analysis of the processes of constructing a headhunter Lamatasinsin into a historical figure and ’national hero,’ I demonstrate how representations of the past have become a political resource fought over by the Bunun in various areas under the intervention of the Han-Chinese and the state, and highlight the importance of heeding to colonial rule and the power relations between different ethnic groups in the examination of the Bunun’s social memory. Such an approach is in accordance with the emphasis on the political dimension and contestedness of memory in recent studies of subaltern acts of remembering. However, I also argue that we should not overemphasize the political characteristics of memory and ignore its moral and affective dimensions, otherwise we are in danger of reducing the past to the present, and culture to politics. Therefore, this article also aims to move beyond the analysis of representations to show how the Bunun experience the past through certain social practices. Through the discussion of a hunting expedition to the place where Lamatasinsin used to live, I elucidate how the Bunun experience a simultaneity with past through the inter-animation of body and landscape, and how they construct their historical agency and identity through reenactment of the ancestral past. Such an attempt to combine the emphasis on the political dimension of memory with a phenomenological perspective to provide a deeper understanding of the socio-cultural processes of remembering, and to convey the complexity, irreducibility and subtlety of the relationship between the past and the present, is innovative both ethnographically and theoretically.
起訖頁 83-114
關鍵詞 布農人記憶歷史認同過去與現在的關係
刊名 臺灣人類學刊  
期數 200312 (1:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院民族學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 What Good Are Elections--An Anthropological Analysis of American Elections
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣漢人的神像:談神如何具象




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