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作者 林開世
Thirteen years after Yilan was incorporated into the Qing Empire, scholar-officials in the local administration began touring and enjoying the landscape of this district. They selected ’Eight Scenes of Yilan’ as the most celebrated sites to visit, and gathered local talents to conduct poetry meeting on these spots. However, if we investigate the location of these scenes more carefully, it becomes clear that these sites were more than beautiful sceneries. They were also the nodal points of local geography, the convergent points of political, military, commercial, and geomantic concerns.
The selection of the ’Eight Scenes’ denoted the creation of a new social and spatial consciousness separating refined cultural activities from mundane daily life. By learning the proper way to appreciate scenery and participating in the literary occasions held in these sites, local students and talents began to form a civilized community transcending local visions. The literary traces left from touring activities, including the poems of occasion and calligraphies on rock, tablet, or paper, can define and domesticate the landscape of frontiers, and incorporate local geography into the mapping of the civilized world.
The title of each f the ’Eight Scenes’ was formulated as a four-character couplet, the oldest form of Chinese poetry. They were designed to create a sense of familiarity and conservatism. At the same time, they projected a traditional cosmological order onto the newly acquired land. By selecting and naming the landscape scenery, magistrates connected the local and peripheral to the central and cultivated through literary convention and aesthetic experience.
However, upon closer investigation of the chasms between text and visuals, poetry and painting, we discover an inner tension behind the stable and unified vision of the civilized world among the various representations of ’Eight Scenes.’ The Chinese empire claimed to encompass all-under-heaven by inscribing literary, patterned traces on the surfaces of paper, cloth, wood, and stone, but the discrepancy and discordance among these media continued to expose the sutures of both local differences ignored in the civilizing project and contradictory requisitions in the complex process of governing.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 邊疆擴張風景風景詩風景畫十九世紀臺灣
刊名 臺灣人類學刊  
期數 200312 (1:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院民族學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 What Good Are Elections--An Anthropological Analysis of American Elections




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