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中山管理評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Relation between R&D Assets of Taiwan's Parent Firms and the Financial Performance of their Subsidiaries in Mainland China: The Moderating Role of Business Strategy
作者 蔡柳卿楊朝旭彭智偉
With the increasing global competition nowadays, firms in Taiwan have been actively engaged in foreign investments to enhance their competitiveness. China is the biggest recipient of Taiwan's outward foreign direct investment (FDI) for years, at least recent years. Given that Taiwan's parent firms continuously invest in R&D activities with a higher level, we are motivated to examine whether such R&D investments of parent firms can contribute to their China subsidiaries, i.e., R&D spillover effects. In addition, we further examine whether different parent firms' strategies lead to differential R&D spillover effects. Using a sample of Taiwan's listed and OTC firms for the 1999-2007 period, we find that there exists a significant positive relation between R&D assets of Taiwan's parent firms and the financial performance of their subsidiaries in Mainland China. This implies that the R&D spillover effect of Taiwan parent firms can be important drivers of their China subsidiaries' performance. Furthermore, the next investigation reveals that this R&D spillover effect is stronger for Taiwan parent firms adopting differentiation strategy compared to those adopting cost leading strategy. These results suggest Taiwan firms to pursue success in foreign investments through engaging in an intra-firm international transfer of R&D knowledge, based on the differentiation strategy, from parent firms in the home countries.
起訖頁 799-851
關鍵詞 研發外溢R&D Spillover海外投資Foreign investment中國大陸Mainland China企業策略Business strategy
刊名 中山管理評論  
期數 201312 (21:4期)
出版單位 國立中山大學管理學術研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 建構金融機構關係下之不動產抵押貸款價值模型
該期刊-下一篇 高值化創新、自有品牌與經營績效:臺灣電子產業之實證研究




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