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A Pricing Model of Inflation-indexed Collateralized Debt Obligations
作者 陳芬英彭星與
本文擴展Meneguzzo & Vecchiato(2002)模型,應用縮減式信用風險模型,首次提出與物價指數連動的擔保債權憑證(Collateralized Debt Obligations, CDO)模型。該模型,除了具備傳統CDO的特色之外,在物價不斷攀升之際,亦能保障分券投資人的實質收益。此外,當模型分券之通膨效果為零時,則本模型隨即變成傳統的CDO模型,所以本模型可視為傳統CDO的一般化(general form)模型。在蒙地卡羅法和機率水桶法之應用下,實證發現,與物價指數連動的CDO模型,其分券的信用價差皆高於無通膨效果之傳統CDO評價模型;物價指數波動度與各分券之信用價差呈同向變動。
This article extends the work by Meneguzzo & Vecchiato (2002) under a reduced form to first present an inflation-indexed CDO model. Besides the properties of traditional CDOs, the model can preserve investors' real profits in an inflation period. Also, the model can reduce to a traditional CDO model when the proportion of the inflation effects of the tranches in the model equals to zero. Thus our model can be regarded as a general one of the traditional CDO models. In empirical studies, using Monte Carlo simulation and Probability Bucketing method, it is found that the fair spread of the inflation-indexed model is higher than that of the traditional CDO model with no inflation effect. Also, the relationship between the fair spread and inflation volatility is positive.
起訖頁 165-197
關鍵詞 物價指數連動的CDOInflation-indexed CDO縮減式模型Reduced form model一般化CDO模型General CDO model機率水桶法Probability Bucketing method蒙地卡羅法Monte Carlo simulation
刊名 中山管理評論  
期數 201303 (21:1期)
出版單位 國立中山大學管理學術研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 家族企業特性與經理人過度自信對其舉債決策之影響
該期刊-下一篇 董事經驗對企業海外直接投資績效之影響--以美國企業國際併購宣告為例




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