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中山管理評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Review and Prospection of Qualitative Research in the Area of Management in Taiwan
作者 彭玉樹梁奕忠于卓民 (Chwo-Ming Joseph Yu)梁晉嘉 (Chin-Chia Liang)
管理學界對於質性研究的重視直到2004年才在代表管理學界權威的管理學會期刊(Academy of Management Journal; AMJ)的宣告之下,被接納為一種正式的研究方法。國內管理學門對於質性研究的接受情況以及這些論文的特徵是本研究所關注的焦點。本研究以2000年正式公佈的第一批TSSCI所收錄之管理學門共七個期刊2000至2006年所發表的論文為研究範圍。調查發現,相較於SSCI的代表性期刊,TSSCI所收錄之管理學門期刊對於質性研究並未給予特別重視,而國內學者在質性研究所投注的心力亦相對有限。最後,本研究對管理學門之部分領域提出研究建議,並且從管理期刊、學者以及國科會三方提出有利於質性研究的發展策略。
Not until 2004 had qualitative research been taken seriously by the field of management in the United States when Academy of Management Journal declared it as a formal research method. Qualitative research is paid more attention to the academic circle of management nowadays. The aim of this paper is two-folded; first, we are concerned with the attitude of the primary management journals of Taiwan towards qualitative research, and secondly, we investigate the characteristics of these studies. The sample of this study consists of works which were published from 2000 to 2006 in seven management journals that were accepted as TSSCI in 2000 and belonged to the academic field of management. Our study has found that the primary management journals of Taiwan do not place as much importance on qualitative research as the corresponding journals of SSCI do. We also have found that the quality of the researches utilizing qualitative research approaches need to be up-lifted in Taiwan. Finally, we offer suggestions of further research for some subfields of management and propose strategies for beneficial development of major management journals, scholars, and National Science Council in Taiwan respectively.
起訖頁 11-40
關鍵詞 質性研究Qualitative inquiry個案研究Case study研究方法Research methodology管理Management
刊名 中山管理評論  
期數 201003 (18:1期)
出版單位 國立中山大學管理學術研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 多國籍企業子公司自主權與績效關係:臺商大陸子公司興業精神中介效果之實證研究




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