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The Effectiveness of Coupon Booklets when for Self-Requested Brands
作者 Song Zan, Chiou-wei (Song Zan, Chiou-wei)
This paper employs longitudinal (as opposed to cross-sectional) data to empirically investigate the effectiveness of direct-mail coupon programs. The effectiveness is explained by demographic variables and variables such as prior use and participation in coupon programs. Surveys of two forms of coupon program in Taiwan support the hypothesis that consumers who expend more effort to request the brands that they desire are more likely to redeem coupons. Evidence shows that prior use does associate with coupon-redemption behavior, while it is found that there are significant expiration date and face value effects. The distance of the consumers from the redemption location is found to be not significant.
This paper employs longitudinal (as opposed to cross-sectional) data to empirically investigate the effectiveness of direct-mail coupon programs. The effectiveness is explained by demographic variables and variables such as prior use and participation in coupon programs. Surveys of two forms of coupon program in Taiwan support the hypothesis that consumers who expend more effort to request the brands that they desire are more likely to redeem coupons. Evidence shows that prior use does associate with coupon-redemption behavior, while it is found that there are significant expiration date and face value effects. The distance of the consumers from the redemption location is found to be not significant.
起訖頁 19-44
關鍵詞 DM couponsCoupon usageLongitudinal dataPrior useDirect marketing
刊名 中山管理評論  
期數 200412 (12:5期)
出版單位 國立中山大學管理學術研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 The Motives of Corporate Use of Derivatives: Evidence from Taiwan
該期刊-下一篇 Towards Corporate Social Responsibility




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