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The Factors of Endorsing Effects in Corporate Umbrella Branding Strategies
作者 別蓮蒂鄭秀倫
「企業品牌傘策略」意指以企業稱帶領個別產品品牌,為產品品牌背書的一種品牌策略,屬於上下層次的影響關係,與一般品牌延伸策略中,產品與產品間的平行相互影響有所不同。本研究的主要目的是探討影響企業品牌傘策略背書效果的因素。藉由品牌延伸文獻,歸納出「企業旗下品牌數目」、「企業強度」、「企業形象」及「企業與產品類別契合度」四項因素,可能會影響消費者對受背書新產品之態度與購買意願。經二次預試選出食品飲料業與資訊通訊業各四家真實企業做為研究標的,採2(旗下品牌數目多/少) ×2 (強勢/弱勢地位) ×2 (形象佳/普通) ×2 (類別契合度高/低) 的混合實驗設計,以363位大學生為研究樣本。結果顯示,企業形象佳或產品契合度高時,企業的背書效果較大,且兩者間有交互的作用,企業旗下品牌數多及強勢企業亦有部皆較佳的背書效果。研究結論可提供給行銷人員做為日後採用品牌傘策略時的參考。
“Corporate umbrella branding strategy” is to employ a corporate brands as an endorser to support the product brand, and show both names on the package or in the advertising. Referring to the findings of brand extension, this study examines the endorsing effects of “number of existing product brands under the corporate”, “corporate superiority”, “corporate image”, and “fitness between corporate and product category” on a new product brand. Two pretests are run to select eight suitable parent companies in two product categories and new extended products. The experimental results of 363 college students in a 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 mixed design show that firms with positive image and endorsing for fit products are more likely to success than negative image or unfit ones. The results can contribute to marketers on their branding decisions. Also, the conceptual framework of this study may provide some insights to the further research in this field.
起訖頁 269-305
關鍵詞 品牌傘Umbrella branding品牌延伸Brand extensions企業形象Corporate image類別契合度 Category fitness品牌數目Number of product brands
刊名 中山管理評論  
期數 200406 (12:2期)
出版單位 國立中山大學管理學術研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 使用幽默對魅力領導行為與效應的調節作用之研究--以高雄地區企業高階經理人為例
該期刊-下一篇 信用評等:期間與產業差異分析




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