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中山管理評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

ERP System Support to B2BEC for Operational: Using Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques
作者 張心馨 (Shin-Shin Chang)
國內傳統產業因受Internet迅速發展的強烈衝擊,所以企業在建置快速的電子商務(EC)網路事業時,極需妥善的運用資訊科技(IT)架構;對於前端的顧客關係管理(CRM)之資訊品質粹鍊和服務效率等特性,以及整合後端的『企業資源規劃(ERP)』系統骨幹,並配合支援企業間供應錄管理(SCM)的連貫性輔助功能,均是產業電子化(e-Business)不可忽視的資訊基礎建設。基於此,本研究以ERP系統理念為基礎:(1)深入瞭解ERP系統邏輯架構設計和結構特性;(2) ERP對企業對企業(B2B)EC重要因素;(3)運用ERP支援B2BEC於實務。研究方法首先深入訪談一鋼鐵公司,將ERP個案實例所獲結果經分析加以修正原研究模型;然後進行第二階段問卷設計,深入個案調查和擴大傳統產業之問卷分析和比較。研究結果發現,個案公司管理者皆強調整體e-Business必須以ERP為骨幹核心,再向外擴充SCM、CRM及知識管理等,才能使e-Business成為一共享系統資源,促使IT能快速在企業內與企業間創造更佳的附加價值。由於第二階段的計量分析,得知ERP系統必須不受時空限制,透過生產流程靈活控管、資訊準確與即時性、創造生產效率及提升服務品質等特性,並結合ACM和CRM系統,以發揮e-Business潛能,促進企業靈活運作於全球運籌管理。
The fluctuating fortunes of Electric Commerce (EC) in recent years suggest the support of back-end Enterprises Resource Planning (ERP) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems able to deliver what the front-office Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems promise. The objectives of this study were undertaken. (1) Explore the system design and the characteristics of architecture. (2) Describe the reasons for ERP importance. How and why and ERP system aids Buiness-to-Buiness (B2B) EC. (3) The ERP support to in a practical and the evolution into e-Business. The initial research model was based on a large steel case in Taiwan. The second stage enhanced by additional data from the case and conventional industries questionnaires survey. The case was concluded that ERP is the backbone of e-Business, and when extended into CRM and SCM, draws on a common, interdepartmental pool of information, expediting workflow and reducing costs. The results of data analysis, ERP systems characteristic speed and accuracy of computer processing, when applied to production processing, control, delivery, and real-time service via the Internet, can give great commercial and service quality. This study therefore ERP supports to B2Bec systems development as a priority task for conventional industries development of e-Business and goal logistics management.
起訖頁 93-134
關鍵詞 企業資源規劃Enterprises Resource Planning ERP企業對企業電子商務Business-to-Business Electric Commerce B2BEC產業電子化e-Business
刊名 中山管理評論  
期數 200403 (12:1期)
出版單位 國立中山大學管理學術研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 企業組織支援系統對大陸臺商幹部之工作-家庭衝突之研究
該期刊-下一篇 資訊委外人員特殊與一般自我效能模型的驗證:臺灣地區公營機構為例




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