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An Analysis of Newhomeland Foundation's Experiences and Issues in Transforming towards a Social Enterprise
作者 張力亞 (Li-Ya Chang)廖嘉展
In the age when private donation and government funding are shrinking, social enterprise is regarded as a social innovation model in response to the fundraising problems of nonprofit orga­nizations. Moreover, social enterprise is also a critical approach to improve the financial autonomy and self-capacity of nonprofit organizations. In 2005, Newhomeland Foundation has started al­tering its organization statutes, adjusting its organizational struc­ture, and resetting organization goals to transform towards a so­cial enterprise. In the past six years, Newhomeland Foundation has used the strategy of community experience learning to con­nect regional resources and community organizations to revitalize local economy and promote local public welfare. As nonprofit organizations transform towards social enter­prises, there are many external and internal challenges that must be dealt with. These challenges include: 1.lack of legal institu­tions, 2.building supportive local society networks, 3.making fi­nance transparent, 4.building team leadership, 5.marketing non-classical commercial models, and 6. privatization of land.
起訖頁 113-156
關鍵詞 非營利組織社會企業社區見學新故鄉文教基金會揉轉效應Nonprofit organizationSocial enterprisesCommunity experience learningNewhomeland
刊名 國家與社會  
期數 201304 (13期)
出版單位 元智大學社會暨政策科學學系
該期刊-上一篇 「文化基本法」:一份學界參與文化立法的紀實與反思
該期刊-下一篇 正向思考與行動的建構之學習歷程分析研究:以某大學「幸福行動歷程紀錄」方案為例




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