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System Reform or Program Change?-Analysis of Korean Welfare Reform after the 1997 Economic Crisis
System Reform or Program Change? Analysis of Korean Welfare Reform after the 1997 Economic Crisis*
作者 鞠敏鎬
The Korean welfare program is still very much selective and residual. The public social expenditure of Korea is very low in comparison to other OECD countries. After the welfare reform in the late 1990s population coverage was extended a lot but still many poor and vulnerable people remain uncovered. The reformed welfare system focuses mainly on those who lack the support provided by family and private market economy. Only the poor who have no other sources to survive depend more on the government welfare program. In the process, middle class Koreans do not expect any government support and also do not depend much on the government's social welfare program. Family transfer still works as a major national welfare resource and people pay more money individually to the private insurance companies. The middle class Koreans depend more on private pension and private insurance companies than on public pension. Here we can conclude that even though many changes happened after the welfare reform in the late 1990s, it was not a fundamental change to transform the traditional Korean welfare structure. Korean welfare system today depends heavily on the family and private market system.
起訖頁 67-108
關鍵詞 福利改革殘補家庭內移轉私人市場經濟傳統福利結構Welfare reformResidualFamily transferPrivate market economyTraditional welfare structure
刊名 國家與社會  
期數 201106 (10期)
出版單位 元智大學社會暨政策科學學系
該期刊-上一篇 政策利害關係人指認的理論與實務:以全民健保改革為例
該期刊-下一篇 傳統輪椅使用障礙分析與對「i輪椅」功能期待之研究




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