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The Dilemma of Politics and Administration in Crossagency Cooperation: Exploring the Meanings and Barriers of the Administrative Team and the Trust-building among Political Executives
作者 曾冠球江明修
政府部門的「行政團隊」(administrative team)是「實存」(reality)?還是「修辭」(rhetoric)?欲維繫一個行政團隊,信任無疑是關鍵要素,首長間信任尤其具有影響力,並表現在跨機關合作成果上。引人好奇的是:首長間是否容易與如何建立互信關係?在這過程中可能遭遇哪些阻力?作者檢閱官僚研究的重要文獻,並聚焦於政治任命者的組成關係,以及其等與常任文官之間互動兩項議題,作為訪談資料的分析架構。研究發現顯示,首長間信任並無法一廂情願地達成,在客觀因素制約下,首長間信任經常面臨一些挑戰。其次,跨機關合作是一種多層次關係,除了水平關係外,政治任命者仍須就部門立場與底下文官達成共識,因此,政治任命者難以迴避「角色衝突」問題。面對上述困境,當民選首長之行政領導力明顯不足時,則其對外所宣稱的「行政團隊」,很可能只淪為一種政治修辭之用。
Does 'administrative team? in the government sector belong to a 'reality? or 'rhetoric?? Actually, trust is a key element of the teamwork; political executives' mutual trust particularly makes a great impact on the interagency cooperation. Against this background, we are curious about the following questions: for those political executives, if it is easy and how to build trust in their relationships? What factors might potentially hinder the possibilities for building trust among them? The author firstly reviewed crucial related researches in the fields of public bureaucracy, and then concentrated on two issues as a way to analyze the data: the composition of political appointees, and the interaction between the political executives and career civil servants. According to our findings, it reveals that political executives' mutual trust can't be built on his or her way. Within the context of the public sector, political executives' activities of trust-building often confront challenges. In addition, interagency cooperation is multi-layer relationships; that is, political appointees not only have to deal with the trust between the horizontal relationships but also have to achieve consensus with their subordinates on the basis of the agency's aim. Hence, it is difficult for political appointees to avoid 'role conflicts?. When facing such dilemma,the so called 'administrative team? will become a political rhetoric if top elected politician can't exert administrative leadership well.
起訖頁 1-45
關鍵詞 行政團隊首長間信任建立官僚政治跨機關合作Administrative teamPolitical executives’ mutual trustBureaucratic politicsCross-agency cooperation
刊名 國家與社會  
期數 201006 (8期)
出版單位 元智大學社會暨政策科學學系
該期刊-下一篇 The Features of Social Cohesion in Taiwan: A Social Quality Perspective




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