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The Application of Policy Dephi Method in Constructing Evaluation Indicators of National Health Insurance Policy
作者 劉宜君 (I-Chun Liu)傅立葉
In Taiwan, the national health insurance policy has been implemented for more than one decade. Although this policy seems as one of the most successful social insurance services all over the world that our government takes great pride in, failure to implement reform measures successfully has geared the development away from sustainable development. This study believes the casue of this contradictory phenomenon is attributed to the positioning of health insureance policies and the failure to obtain general consensues of the evaluation mechanism of health insurance policies. Different from previous studies that only focuss on single or specific academic approaches such as discussion on fairness, financial design, political feasibility, etc., this study integrates studies from the aspects of mecial care management, public health, finance, administration, economics and social welfare. With this as a foundation, this study investigates the multifaceted indicator of health care evaluation empirically. In addition, this study explores the relevant evaluation indicators of health care research, as well as collects experts? views of sustainable health care evaluation mechanisms by Policy Delphi. The study finds that the Policy Delphi experts reach a consensus of assessment indicators to a high or medium degree. Among them, they have reached a high degree of consensus on 'faireness?, 'distribution?, 'accessibility?, 'affordability?, 'performance? and 'accountability?; and a medium degree of consensue on the aspects of 'effectiveness?, 'integrity? and 'appopriateness?. The health care sustainability indicators that expert have consensus on are very diversfied, for example, 'the health care insured rate of different regions,'the health care insured rate of different occupations" "the percentage of medical expenditures for health care insurance to that of national health care expenditures', 'average life expectancy', etc. Thus the evaluation of health insurance performance is not only related to environmetal resources but also the reform of socialeconomic system such as economic production, allocation of resources, consumption, etc.
起訖頁 103-163
關鍵詞 永續發展全民健康保險政策評估評估指標National health insurancePolicy evaluationEvaluation indicatorsPolicy Dephi method
刊名 國家與社會  
期數 200906 (6期)
出版單位 元智大學社會暨政策科學學系
該期刊-上一篇 環境正義的經濟向度:環境正義與經濟分析必不相容?
該期刊-下一篇 社會場域的藝術競技:臺灣新世代藝術家與展覽空間之關係




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