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法治與公共治理學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Flexible Citizen Participation Legal Mechanisms in Promoting Renewable Energy
作者 蔡岳勳王齊庭
台灣99%以上的能源供應仰賴進口,能源依存度十分高,為免受自然資源逐漸匱乏所帶來之原油、天然氣價格上漲,能源轉型、發展可自給之再生替代能源成為必然方向。近年來台灣民眾雖開始透過參與公聽會等方式致力維護家鄉環境之永續發展,但觀察其相關發展,民間參與之過程中也遇到許多困境和瓶頸,像是近期顯著的「鄰避效應」(Not in My Backyard syndrome,NIMBY)等衝突議題。綜觀台灣地區近年來所發生反對「鄰避」設施的自力救濟行為,其發展已從溫和的反對行動,轉變為激烈的抗爭手段,其原因為政府於審核鄰避設施設置計劃時,鮮少顧慮民意,實因體制內參與管道的缺乏與阻礙,使民眾對於審核結果有所疑慮,進而採取體制外的管道抗爭訴求。觀察近來國際再生能源發展現況,推動全民參與已成趨勢,本文希冀透過管理鄰避效應之風險、針對國際推動再生能源發展經驗,以及從歐美等國施行之公民參與彈性模式,例如社區型合作社、公民參股等,祈使轉變台灣目前發展再生能源所面臨之困境,使綠色能源可深入地方由下往上蓬勃發展。由於能源政策是國家命脈,在可預期之未來,非再生性能源終有耗竭之日,因此加強公民參與機制等相關議題之研究,可使再生能源之發展趨向於國情並健全其機制。
Taiwan relies on imports for more than 99 percent of its energy, which leaves the island's energy supply vulnerable to external disruption. In light of Taiwan's future sustainable development, the top priority is to develop clean, sustainable, and independent energy and achieve the balance among energy security, environmental protection, and industrial competitiveness through various strategies. However, recently, many Taiwan's renewable energy projects have been encountering serious obstacle from NIMBY (Not in My Backyard syndrome) effect. Yet, due to the ignorance of government handling and the lack of ways of community participations, these protest situations become more intensity. Surveying the current global renewable energy development, the noticeable trend is enlarging citizen participation. This paper aims to survey and track different renewable energy promoting experiences with the focus on citizen participation in Denmark, German and England, such as citizen investment mechanism, feed-in tariff and community renewable energy. The paper expects to explore a flexible renewable energy development method in Taiwan which will ameliorate current intense situation. Fossil fuels will soon be exhausted in a short future; the construction of mechanism of renewable energy in Taiwan is urgent and essential. Accordingly, enhancing the access of citizen participation will improve the development of renewable energy in Taiwan.
起訖頁 63-91
關鍵詞 再生性能源公民參與公民入股鄰避效應Renewable EnergyCitizen ParticipationNIMBYCo-operative renewable energyCommunity renewable energy
刊名 法治與公共治理學報  
期數 201412 (2期)
出版單位 翰蘆
該期刊-上一篇 地方環境治理中利害關係人確認與網絡互動分析模式--以臺東美麗灣度假村BOT開發案為例
該期刊-下一篇 廢棄物清理法第71條第1項關於處分性質、時效適用及代履行費用分配基準之研析




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