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The Social Networking Behavior Study of Class Facebook Group - Chaoyang University of Technology as an example
作者 邱桂堅
According to report in February 2014, there were 11 million daily and 15 million monthly active users of Facebook in Taiwan in 2013, while 71% of them, accounting for 7.1 millions, were mobile daily active users to share their post with their friends or respond to friend's post immediately. Comparing to Taiwan's population with 23 millions, that means over 43% of the population was daily users representing a relatively high usage rate of Facebook in Taiwan. The rapid development by leaps and bounds of internet technology, breaking the limit of space and time, not only has a great impact on education method, but also provides abundant resource for education. For example, social networking sites, such as Facebook, change greatly the relationship between homeroom teachers and students. This phenomenon is a topic worth exploring. Therefore, this study aims to explore the behavior, commitment, life experience of college students affected by class Facebook group. It is hoped that the research results will be helpful the class management and cohesion between homeroom teachers and students. The research results show as follow: 1. With relatively high rate of establishing and usage of class Facebook group, if homeroom teachers participate moderately in and show concern for the group, the cohesion of the class will be strengthened continuously. 2. Because 64% of students are mobile daily active users without time interval difference, there is no time limit for the interaction within students or between homeroom teachers and students to gain instant information. 3. Since participating class Facebook group is a kind of social behavior for students, students will join the group spontaneously or passively. The result is that the higher the participation rate, the higher the awareness of commitment and coercion will be. 4. As for life experience, the members of class Facebook group incline to perception of happiness and meaning. Furthermore, they think obtaining invisible return will be better than visible return hence are quite willing to provide meaningful and valuable information for classmates. 5. In conclusion, students think class Facebook group has positive influence on human interaction, cohesion, affection need, schoolwork, and self-encourage. Therefore, it is suggested that homeroom teachers can enhance these factors to strengthen the positive function of class social group by managing class Facebook group.
起訖頁 147-161
關鍵詞 班級臉書網路社群ClassFacebookSocial Networking
刊名 止善  
期數 201412 (17期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
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