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The Choice of Membership and Service Discrimination of File-Sharing Cloud Storage Service Provider
作者 郭平欣劉辰煜
The needs for online file-sharing encourages many cloud storage service providers, who host sites withfree basic and paid premium memberships. Assuming ad revenue from on line free users and fee received from paidmembers, this paper considers whether and how aservice providercan raise profits from service discrimination. It is shown that provider can be benefited by discriminating free users with lower file transfer qualities,and choosing the upload/download qualities amounts to a mixed bundling. Per capita adsrevenue (PCAR) is essential in pricing strategy. In case upload/download qualities cannot adjust separately, the site is preferable to offer exclusive free (both/exclusivepaid) membership if PCAR is high (medium/low). In contrary, offering both memberships and prohibiting one of the upload/download services for free users is the most profitable policy while PCAR is high, and exclusive paid membership is the best policy otherwise. Social welfare is always better in exclusive free membership, which is implementable by the provider only if he cannot adjust upload/download services separately.
起訖頁 119-150
關鍵詞 雲端儲存垂直差異異質消費者組合銷售品質差別線上廣告Cloud StorageVertical DifferentiationHeterogeneous Consumers,BundlingQuality DiscriminationOnline Ads
刊名 長庚人文社會學報  
期數 201504 (8:1期)
出版單位 長庚大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 探討哈伯瑪斯的「審議」學說對「直接民主」之態度:一個透過卡爾.施密特「憲法學」之反省
該期刊-下一篇 Gender and Human Capital of Mutual Fund Managers and the Operating Efficiency




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