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Personal Income Tax Reform and Tax Burden Distribution Analysis in Taiwan
作者 孫克難羅時萬
In Taiwan, the tax deductions and allowances saved following the expiry of the Statute for Upgrading Industries on December 31, 2009 have generated additional revenues for reforming the personal income tax system. Aside from the effects on business operations and industrial development, the impact on household tax-burden and income distribution requires careful consideration in the context of Taiwan's worsening income inequality. Based on personal income tax return data collected by the Ministry of Finance, our analysis leads to the following results. First, according to our progressive tax system, lowering the personal income tax rates tends to benefit the rich more than the poor and is thus harmful to household tax equity. Second, since the rates for the special deductions in regard to education and the physically and mentally challenged are high for the high income group, increasing their deduction rates will hurt overall tax equity. Third, raising the standard deduction can benefit the middle and lower income groups more, by not only improving the tax-burden distribution but also minimizing the loss in tax revenues. Finally, since dividend income is highly concentrated in the top decile, if the tax treatment were modified and the income deduction method adopted, income distribution would improve significantly and tax revenue would increase.
起訖頁 71-107
關鍵詞 稅負分配租稅漏洞特別扣除額設算扣抵法Gini係數Tax-burden DistributionTax LoopholesSpecial DeductionsDividend Exemption SystemGini Coefficients
刊名 政治科學論叢  
期數 201409 (61期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學政治學系
該期刊-上一篇 日本民主黨權力結構對2010年〈防衛計畫大綱〉制定之影響




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