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The Research of SARS Catastrophe Effect of Stock of the Biotechnology Industry in Taiwan
作者 王慧菱譚醒朝張曉芬 (Hsiao-Fen Chang)
SARS was one of the most serious event affected stock market in Taiwan. During the period of SARS impact, Taiwan stock index experienced atremendous drop. Taiwan's economy annual growth rate was down, but SARS increased the biotechnology industry demand. Thus, SARS was more influence than other events on biotechnology industry in Taiwan. This study employ market model and regression of event study to explore the abnormal return and financial ratio about the SARS catastrophe of the biotechnology industry in Taiwan. The empirical period is from April 30, 2002 to April 30, 2003, including 115 trading days and 20 observations. The result indicated that the positive abnormal return occurred in the biotechnology industry. With respect to the industry classification, the medical treatment industry was more significant than pharmacy while the other industry was not significant. The biotechnology industry in Taiwan was not a semi-strong form efficient market because the abnormal return couldn't response quickly. As for the financial factor analysis, there are five financial ratio applied ill this study. The ratio of inventory was more significant than the ratio of grass margin. The ratio of grass margin was more significant than the ratio of company size. The ratio of company size was more significant than the ratio of equity. The current ratio was lot significant in this event.
起訖頁 99-119
關鍵詞 事件研究法異常報酬半強式效率市場財務比率Event StudyAbnormal returnSemi-strong form efficient marketFinancial ratio
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 200512 (3:2期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 穴位指壓改善護理之家住民失眠之成效




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