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Mei and Dou in Chinese: A Tale of Two Quantifiers
作者 羅瓊鵬
This study addresses two outstanding puzzles about the two well-known quantifiers mei and dou in Chinese: (i) the indefinite/definite asymmetry when mei leads the subject NP: dou is not needed when there is an indefinite or a reflexive object within the scope of mei and (ii) the subject/object asymmetry: when mei leads the subject NP, its distribution is restricted, depending on the type of the objects, and, by contrast, when it leads the object NP, its distribution is much freer. We propose a novel account for these puzzles. We argue that (i) the indefinite/definite asymmetry can be explained away if we assume that mei is a distributive quantifier with a portmanteau semantic structure, i.e., that it is a standard universal quantifier plus a matching function; (ii) mei can be domain-shifted into a distributive determiner to satisfy interpretability, and this explains the subject/object asymmetry and (iii) this domain-shifting is regulated by the Principle of Economy (cf. Reinhart (2006)), which is a last resort to satisfy interpretability.
起訖頁 111-158
關鍵詞 Distributive quantificationDeterminersQuantifiersMeiDou分配量化限定詞量詞
刊名 Taiwan Journal of Linguistics  
期數 201112 (9:2期)
出版單位 文鶴出版有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 Emotion Expressions and Knowledge of Story Structure: A Study of Mandarin-speaking Children's Narrative Development
該期刊-下一篇 The Non-droppability of Uninterpretable Features in Second Language Acquisition: On the Interpretation of Resumptive Pronouns in L2 Chinese




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