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Literary Review and Modern Literature under the U.S. Aid Literary Institution
作者 王梅香
既有的台灣文學史論述中,美國權力對於台灣文壇的介入僅停留在「贊助」(patron)層次,亦即台北美新處贊助《文學雜誌》(Literary Review)和《現代文學》(Modern Literature)雜誌的發行。然而,對於台北美新處與上述兩份刊物的關係始終沒有加以釐清。本研究使用美國國家檔案局的資料,也是學界首次向該單位申請該批資料的解密,試圖說明上述兩份刊物,除了通常認知的學院派刊物、現代主義文學雜誌等外,它們在美援文藝體制底下還存在另外的功能:亦即作為美國權力對東南亞地區的文學宣傳品。《文學雜誌》是台北美新處中文計畫(Chinese-Language Program)的一部分,是其所支持「隱蔽」(unattributed)的中文月刊;而《現代文學》則由台北美新處贊助特定期數,贊助的刊物亦為其所用。透過本研究,除了重新審視和修正《文學雜誌》在台灣文學史的位置,也將上述兩份刊物置入戰後文化冷戰的宣傳結構中,可以看到一向被視為現代主義的「純」文學刊物,在美援文藝體制的運作之下,以現代主義的「去政治」、「超功利」的面貌,針對東南亞華人知識分子進行反共的政治宣傳。
In the discourse of existing history of Taiwan Literature, U.S. Power intervened the Taiwan literary scene by means of patronage, which meant that USIS of Taipei sponsored the publication of literary magazines-Literary Review and Modern Literature. However, the relationship between USIS of Taipei and these two publications never be clarified. By means of using the files of National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), which was the first application for data release in academic unit, this paper tried to explain that these two publications played the role of literary tools for propaganda toward the Southeast Asia under the U.S. literary institution except the stereotypes of the academic journal and Modernist Literature. Literary Review was one of Chinese-Language Program and an unattributed monthly journal of Taipei USIS; Modern Literature was also supported and broadcast by this unit. Through the research, the paper re-examined and revised the position of Literary Review, and placed these two publications in the propaganda structure of postwar cultural Cold War. It argues that the so-called 'pure' literary journals in the face of 'depolitical' or ' ultra-utilitarian' conduct anti-communist political propaganda toward the Chinese intellectuals in Southeast Asia under the operation of U.S. Aid literary institution.
起訖頁 69-100
關鍵詞 文化冷戰文化宣傳美援文化反共文學現代主義文學Cultural Cold WarCultural propagandaU.S. aid cultureAnti-communist literatureModernist literature
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201412 (25期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從溝通記憶到文化記憶:1960-1980年代台灣飲食文學中的北平懷鄉書寫
該期刊-下一篇 西太平洋海濱的洄瀾地景傳奇--壽豐水璉蕃薯寮「遺勇成林」傳說試論




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